Twenty two

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"Diana. What are you doing?" Alesso asked. He walked from the kitchen inside his silk robe that was nearly opened at the top, showing his chest and tattoos. He has a mug in his hand and I'm assuming that it's coffee.

"I...I umm-" I stammer. What was I doing? Getting ready to leave because of my weird emotions? Risking getting myself kidnapped or killed by trying to go home to my house where it's the same, boring and quiet?

He traced my body with his eyes, biting his lip as he noticed that I was in one of his shirts. He wore shirts like this regularly, wearing them with dress pants. Once he studied my body, he looked back up to my face and cocked his eyebrow to ask me a question.

"I was- I was looking for you" I lied.

He put his mug into his other hand and looked at me with doubt. "Going towards the door?"

"Yeah" I nervously chuckled. He walked closer to me and smiled as he kissed the top of my head. "I thought maybe...I just thought- I want to go home" I finally said.

He pushed his eyebrows together and sat his mug on a nearby table. This table was only used to hold the decorative flower pot, but he used it anyways.


I shrugged and looked down at my fingers. "Because it's so boring here and I feel alone. I have no one to talk to, and you leave and I only see you at night. I might as well go home if it's going to be that way" I shook my head.

He shook his head. "No. No no, amore. I've just been working a lot to sort things out. I finished up yesterday and I'll have more time at home now. I can spend that time with you".

"What are we doing?"

My voice sounded vulnerable as I looked up at him. He has made me fall under his spell and I need for him to let me pull myself out before I get too deep into it. I will not let him treat me like the girls he use. I will not just be thrown away when he's done with me. I'm more than just a fuck. I'm a whole person.

He faked like he choked and cleared his throat, looking around the room. His reaction made me furrow my eyebrows as I could feel something in my chest start to tighten. There is no way he's going to act this way.

"What do you mean, amore?"

"You know what I mean, Alesso." I said.

He shook his head and shrugged. "We're having fun."

I gulped and took a small step back not being able to believe his words. Fun? "We're two adults that enjoy each other. I don't see the reason to put a title on it. Wait, you didn't think that we were together, right?" He asked.

"N-o" my voice cracked, betraying me as I tried to fake like I was totally okay. I didn't think we were in a relationship, but to think that it's never crossed his mind makes me sad and a bit angry.

He nodded, seeming to want to confirm my answer. "You're okay? Why do you seem-"

"I'm fine I'd just like to go home". I turned around and started to walk for the door, but what he said made me stop completely.

"You want to leave because your feelings are hurt? Grow up Diana. This isn't a fairytale. You don't get your happy ending here. I am a man with an empire to run, you're just a woman with nothing to do. What we're doing is fun but I don't want a relationship with you. You're crazy if you'd think that"

I gulped as I heard his words go in my ear. It didn't go out the other, it stayed inside my head, playing over and over. He can't be serious. He's kept me here for almost a month and I've given myself to him just to hear him say that. It's all too unreal.

I turned to him and looked at him with tears in my eyes. He noticed them and furrowed his eyebrows. "I need a car to take me home please"

I could see my words rip right through him and he turned from being chill to being aggressive. "You want to go home? What about the fucking people that want to take you from m- what about the people that want to kidnap you?" he yelled.

I shook my head not even wanting to contemplate his words.

"Well fine. I'll have one of my guys take you home. When the Russians get to you, don't come running back. I will not help you. I'll let them rip you apart like I did to their boss" he hissed.

My tears started to fall from my eyes as I turned around, walking out his front door and sitting on the stairs of his porch. He didn't once come to check on me. A car soon pulled out front and took me back home to my fathers house.

I quickly wiped my eyes and put a smile on my face as I entered the front door. "Father?"

My father came from the kitchen, smiling as he saw me. "Oh my beautiful brat, there she is. I've missed yo-have you been crying?" He asked. He walked up to me with open arms and made me lay my head on his chest, seeming to try and comfort me.

We haven't done anything like this in years. I've hugged him frequently, but him comforting me was something that hadn't been done since before my mother passed.

My mother was always the soft parent versus my father being the stern one. She would always cradle me and my dad would treat me like a princess, but try to toughen me up in the process. He's the reason I have a way with words.

After talking to him for a bit, I went up to my room. My room had gone untouched, seeing that my bed was still messy. It's been so long since I've laid here. Maybe I can actually get some real sleep without hearing snoring or feeling someone aggressively grab me. I know I'll miss it though. Him and his dominant self.

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