Twenty five

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"Trying to make me jealous bringing her here?" She asked as she walked closer to me.

I turned around with my back against the sink and cocked my eyebrow. "What we had was long ago, why are you acting like it's so recent" I grouched.

She shook her head and came closer to me, putting her hand on my chest. In a quick instance I grabbed her wrist.

"Still rough I see" she smirked.

I pushed her hand away and looked at her with disgust. "You burned me" I said.

"Oh no Alesso you burned me" she shook her head.

"You were the only woman I was fucking. I know what the hell I'm talking about. You're a whore, now move so I can get back to my lady"

I moved past her and just as I am near the door, she moves in front of me.

"Tell me you miss the way I used to get on my knees for you. Remember those times?" She touched me again and it infuriated me. I don't even like for people to touch me.

I grabbed her neck and started to choke her, pinning her against the nearby wall. She gasped from loosing her breath and looked at me with fear. Her fear soon turned into pleasure as she started to smirk. This bitch.

The door suddenly comes open and Diana stands there with her eyebrows furrowed and her lips parted.

"What's going on in here?" She asked.

I stepped back from Beck and she smirked.

"Nothing, amore. I was just leaving. This cunt has ruined my night" I said.

Beck chuckled and looked at Diana. "Darling tell her about how great our sex life was. Tell her how you miss me. Tell her about how you were going to give me what I missed so much"

There is no way Diana will think this is the truth. I just got on my knees for her yesterday, and put up a million to get her from Vladimir.

She looks at me and her chest rises before her eyebrows start to furrow.

Oh fuck.

I tilt my head back when she speaks. "We need to get back. I'm getting hungry" she nodded.

I sighed in relief and shot Beck a devilish smirk. Her little game didn't work.

"You can't tell me you're believing him. Trust me, I know how manipulative he can be. He was going to fuck me" Beck said. She folded her arms and looked at Diana with a smug look.

"Is that what you want?" I looked at Diana.

Her lips parted and she scrunched her face up. "What?" She said pugnaciously.

"For me too do you you what she claimed I was going to do to her"

Diana's eyes lit up as she seemed a bit scared. "In front of her?" Her voice is small and it made me smile.

"I don't mind fucking you to show her that you're the only one"


The rest of the night goes as planned. Diana had actually branched off from me, talking with my mother about whatever shit women like to talk about. Every time I would check on her she would tell me that she is fine. Talking with Frances is always the same. Mafia talk is rarely discussed because we see each other nearly everyday since we work together. My father ran his mouth a lot but I didn't care to hear what he had to say. He talks too much.

Dinner was served and we all ate. I couldn't help but stare at Diana's legs that wouldn't stop trembling. I was now sitting at the table with a few of my uncles, my father, and my brother. I had caught a small glimpse of Diana calf muscle as she walked across.

"Diana?" I called for her.

She turned to me and came, seeing what I wanted. She was smiling, and looking very content. I shook my head, only wanting to be sure that she was very comfortable. I know how nerve racking it could be to meet someone's parents for the first time so I just want to make her feel like I'm on her side.

"I was going to go get a piece of cake from the kitchen, did you want something?" She asked.

"Wine would be nice" I smiled.

She nodded and left the room, leaving me to turn around to the table again.

"She's foxy. Where did you find her?" My uncle Teddy asked.

I chuckled and looked back, making sure she was long gone before I started to brag. She's a dime piece.

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