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He throws the 'hitting me' leather thing to the floor and grabs me by my neck. "You listen to me. If I tell you to do something, you do it. You understand? Now I'm going to punish you. You haven't been a good girl".

"I haven't been a good girl?" I asked. He goes from praising me to doing the opposite. I'll swallow it next time. I can't handle this.

"Nope. You've been a bad girl. Very bad girl"

He lets my neck go and grabs my arm, pulling me towards a wall in his room. He goes to the specific wall where he had it designed to have large metal poles as a cover. I could stick my hand under if I wanted to, and I find this weird. What would this be used for? It makes no sense.

He quickly turns me around and pushes my back against it. "Don't move. I'm not fucking around" he says.

I nod and stand there as he walks to his nightstand. His tall and muscular frame bends down, pulling a drawer out . He pulls a rope out, and I gasp. Is he going to choke me to death?

He quickly walks over to me, making me let out yet another gasp. He chuckles as he unravels it, making me give his hands my undivided attention. Once the rope is unraveled, he smirks. His cheesy facial expression is devilish yet it doesn't stop my pussy from throbbing. His dominance is all that my head is filled with, and it's overwhelming me with joy.

"Hands in front of you" he says sternly.

I bite my lip as I pull my hands in front of me, giving him my bare wrists. He wraps the rope around, and for a second I feel it is too tight but he loosens it, noticing my discomfort. The way he tied my wrist together gives me space to move them a bit, but I can't go far. It's just like the handcuffs, except they aren't being bound.

"Put your hands on this pole, and don't let it go"

I slowly move my hands behind me as he watches me, making sure I listen to his every instruction. It's almost as if he's a teacher, teaching me a lesson and making sure I understand his instructions. My hands grip the pole and he puts his hands on my waist. His hand slowly moves down to my thighs, and he smacks me.

"Ow" I whined as I looked at him.

"This is for not listening. Next time you'll do as I say. Is that correct?". His strong voice makes me flinch a bit but the arousal between my legs assure me that I'm not scared, I'm turned on.

I nod and he cocks his eyebrow. The second smack on the side of my leg assures me that I did not like this feeling of being punished. His hits aren't too hard, but the disappointment in his eyes is what convinces me. He does not like when I disobey him. I should have swallowed like he said.

"Speak up"

"Correct" I say.

He nods and slides his hand down the back of my thighs, pulling my legs up in one swift movement. There we are, him standing there and holding me as I grip the metal poles on his wall. My hands grow sweaty as I brace myself, trying to see what he's going to do next.

His muscles show as he lifts me up, soon quickly sitting my pussy on his dick. He makes me go all the way down and I whimper from him filling me completely.

Although I was getting aroused, I wasn't quite there yet. His dick didn't have any lube and it felt more like hard friction than pleasure.

"Alesso" I whimper.

He completely ignores my small protests, enjoying the feeling too much. I could tell from the look in his eyes that he was high off himself. He has me bound even though I can move my arms, and is dominating me. I can only move when he wants me to, and I like it.

"Shut up. Pretty girls don't cry"

I nod as I clench my teeth, feeling him lift me back up. My walls clench around him and he groans loudly. He props me up and uses the time that I'm in the air to move his hands to my ass. He grips the thick pieces of fat and holds them as he moved.

His muscles show as he is deep inside me and I almost whimper again. I can feel myself start to loosen to let him in. My arousal makes a bit of noise and he looks down, groaning at himself.

"Oh fuck" he groans.

His groan pushes me so close to the edge that suddenly erupted and I could feel myself coming to have my orgasm. "I'm going to cum"

Just as I get my sentence out, he pulls me off of his dick and stands me back up. My legs buckle as he has made me more sore than I already was. I was not prepared to take him, but I was slowly convinced, being submissive to him.

I look down at his member, seeing that both my arousal and his cum coated him as if he dipped a fruit into a puddle of chocolate. He is practically glowing, and it makes me take a breath.

He grabs my hand and starts to unravel my wrists.

"A-are we done?" I asked quietly. He smirked and cocks his eyebrow, giving me the sad confirmation I needed. "But I didn't cum".

"So?" He asked. I furrowed my eyebrows and he chuckles. "Bad girls don't get to cum. Maybe if you learn to obey me I'll make you cum. Try again in a few and see how I'm feeling".

He walks away from me and enters the bathroom, and I soon follow him in. My body tells me that I want more but I know that I don't deserve it.

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