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In a quick instance, he came down to kiss me again. He was far more rough this time. He took over, being as dominant as ever, and stuck his tongue into my mouth. I couldn't even catch a grip because all too soon he pulled away and grabbed me. With one hand on my lower back and one on the pit of my knees, he pulled me towards the top of the bed.

His naked stomach looked like a scrap book with all the ink on his skin. He reached above me and pulled the top of his bed frame up, revealing two metal loops. Handcuffs.

His firm hand came down to grab my wrist, pulling it over me without hesitation. "Keep it there".

I nodded and he went to grab my other hand. I watched his lustrous eyes as he grabbed the hem of my shirt. He ripped it off with aggression and started to pull on my bra.

"It's a clip in the back" I whispered. He stopped all his movements and shook his head in disbelief. Has he seriously never taken a woman's bra off before? He placed his hand on my neck, his arm of tattoos being before my eyes. My body was suddenly very close to his as he broke the clips of my bra and let me go, making me fall back down.

My thoughts took over me as I felt my bra leave the upper part of my waist. It felt so good to be relieved in this way and I almost let out a big sigh.

"I'm going to fuck the living shit out of you" he growled as he reached above me again.

He pulled the soft cuffs from behind his bed and grabbed my arm, pulling it up and tightening it around my wrist. He did the same with my other and stopped to look at me.

His eyes traced my body very slow. I could tell by the way he stared at my erect nipples that something inside him encouraged him to suck them. With the flick of his thumb, I grew sensitive, making him smirk. I looked down at his smirking face as he came closer to my chest, taking my nipple into his mouth.

"Soft" he growled, soon putting his mouth over it, covering the hardened nub entirely. I could feel his tongue flick against my most sensitive part, right on the center of my nipple.

"Oh" I whispered, trying to contain myself. He's already arrogant enough, he doesn't need to know that this is turning me on so much. He moved to my other nipple, repeating the same actions, but softly pinching my previously sucked on nub with his thumb and pointer finger.

He pulled his mouth away from me, seeming to be content with his actions. I swallowed as I looked into his eyes. He wasn't giving me the same gaze he would give me most times, he seemed to be very turned on by me laying here and at his mercy. Ready for him to use.

My hands didn't move a inch. I felt as if I moved, it meant that I didn't want to be submissive to him, and that's the total opposite of what I wanted. I couldn't wait for him to take over my body as he had already taken over my mind.

His chest weaved as he snatched his towel from around him, throwing it onto the floor. I could see the tiny imprints on his waist and v line, letting me know that he had tightly secured the towel before. My eyes widened like China plates as I came to look at him. He had grown and I wasn't sure if he could do anymore of that.

With a more gentle approach, he put his hand on each of my thighs, spreading them further apart. I'm noticing that he likes it wide open, and I could think the same thing.

He reached down and placed his hand around his dick, slowly moving it up and down as he looked into my eyes. As if me being at his mercy wasn't intimate enough, the eye contact made things ten times better. I stared into his grey eyes as he kneeled before me, slowly pleasing himself. His gaze was sharp with a bit of charm, making me feel the tenderness in his energy. No matter what, I could not break my gaze. I felt like I was in a trance, wanting to be under his will. I needed him to be dominant with me. I loved it.

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