Thirty four

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My men had come to clean, and Francess rode with me to the hospital. He actually drove as I held her body in my hands. I had been sobbing because she closed her eyes, but her pulse kept me sane.

Rushing into the hospital, she was put on a gurney. Nurses immediately tended to her body, running her into a room where they had to perform surgery. I knew by the way that she said she started to burn that she had lost too much blood. That was too much for her little body to handle.

About four hours later they had come to tell me that I could finally see her. I had been bugging the nurses at least a hundred times to fill me in on what's going on since they wouldn't let me see her.

They walked me to a room where she laid there with her eyes closed. They had pulled her hair into a ponytail and ripped her robe off, putting her in a hospital gown. They cleaned her up nicely and I could see no blood.

Then I thought about it, the baby. There is no way our baby is alive after that, I just know it, but I don't want to ask. I've never lost a baby before so I know this will just be too much on my mood. With a clenched jaw, I ask the nurse.

"She was pregnant, in her early stages. Did the baby make it?"

The nurse slowly shakes her head, making me clench my jaw and look the other way. The son of a bitches that shot her deserved a long death, not the short one they got. They deserve to be tortured, have their skin peeled off.

I wasn't even sure who those fuckers were. They were unfamiliar and sloppy. I should have had someone guard Gabriel's house. So stupid of me not to.

I had told Benjamin and Gabriel to stay there to make sure my men got rid of everything. After all, Gabriel is not unfamiliar with this kind of business. He's had ties to my Mafia for a long time.

After a while, Gabriel called to come to see her. He told me that the people who I killed were coming to collect debt from him. If it weren't for me he'd be dead, and possibly Ben.

He respected my wishes when I said that I didn't want him to come see her. My girl was just almost killed for something that had nothing to do with us.

I know that since I'm only her boyfriend and not her husband that he can come inside and put me out, but he's smarter than that. I'd slit his fucking throat if he ever tried me.

Diana only opened her eyes a few hours later. The time was now three am, and I grew tired, but I stayed up for her. I knew she'd have so many questions when she woke and I didn't want her clueless.

I stood up and walked over to her. She smiles and held her hand up, gently grabbing mines. The gaze in her eyes was so assuring that she wasn't even mad about what had happened. She seemed grateful to be alive.

She breathed in and sighed. "I can't believe I got shot. We having matching wounds" she smiled.

I furrowed my eyebrows as I looked at her. She just almost lost her life and she is worried about matching wounds? She's crazy.

"Can you see it?" She asked.

I shook my head and moved to pull her gown down a bit. Her wound was sealed and looked surprisingly good.

"It looks like mines" I scrunched my face up, looking in doubt. It took me a while to recover from getting shot, mostly because the bullet went a bit deep, but it didn't hit any major organs or anything.

"Does it look ugly- I- did our baby make it?"

I slowly shook my head no and she nodded with tears in her eyes. She brought her hand up and wipe her eyes, turning into a total sob.

"I knew it wouldn't. This was too much. My body was so tired and burning. I never want to feel like that ever again" she shook her head.

I gripped her hand tighter. "You won't. I will protect you with my life. You'll be guarded"


"She was already in the early stages of a miscarriage, so more than likely the baby wouldn't have made it" the nurse said to me.

I looked over at Diana's sleeping body as she laid on her back with her hands beside her. They had been coming in to check on her none stop so she was tired. I could see her getting irritated as they wouldn't even let us have a full blown conversation without interrupting us.

"How come? She hadn't been through anything horrible" I shook my head.

"So many things happen during the early stages of a pregnancy. Stress, food, and nothing, could be the causes. Being shot is what ultimately caused it, but it would have happened anyways"

I couldn't help but think that the dinner was too much. She had been so overwhelmed with trying to hide the fact that she was pregnant that she was stressing herself out.

I shook my head as the nurse started talking again. "The bullet only went under her skin, so she has minor damages. No therapy or anything, she'll be fine. Her body was tense when she was shot which is why there was so much blood. She'll be out of here in no time"

I nodded as I released a breath I thought I was holding. My body seemed to be relieved that nothing major happened that would require her to have to go through extra steps to recover.

This is just what she needs, to relax.

The nurse left the room, leaving me to sit in the chair near the bed. I had pulled it closer to her so I could touch her every now and again. It made me feel better.

I had a cover and pulled it over myself as I looked at the television. Something to pass the time.

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