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"Oh, thank you" I said as Alesso grabbed my purse that was falling off my shoulder. He caught it a few seconds before it hit the ground, and had a content look on his face, seeming to be proud of himself for it. The dinner was fine. I clung to him for safety after getting lust filled looks from almost all of the men inside the building, even the ones with women on their side. One man even stuck his tongue out at me, which was weird because he was old. There was no way he could pursue someone as young as me.

Alesso never left my side, and would gently pull me if he wanted to go somewhere. He even almost followed me into the bathroom. I only convinced him not to by saying that I was a big girl. He said that he wanted to make sure I was safe, but who could do something if he's standing right outside?

I ate much food, and was feeling pretty stuffed. I stuffed my mouth with chocolate cake as Alesso and another man had a word, speaking it code. They kept saying words like product and white, which made me think about what they could be talking about. Before I had really put too much thought into it, I ran out of water, so I trailed off, thinking about when their conversation would end so I could go get some.

"No worries" Alesso said as he pushed the front door of my house open. I was finally back after such an eventful night. Alesso was the absolute best and complete opposite of what people claimed him to be. It made me wonder if people were lying, or if people just didn't like him.

I stepped inside, quickly taking smaller steps, not wanting to wake the house with my loud heels. Each time I took a step, my heels clacked against the tile, making a loud sound. He stepped over the threshold and looked into my eyes as I waited for him to close the door. I was going to invite him in for some type of refreshment, or something good to snack on.

"I should get going. But I have one question, did you have fun tonight?"

I flicked the light switch on, turning the ceiling light on before nodding my head. His gaze was sharp, and my stomach turned as I thought about what he possibly could have been thinking of. He's too handsome to look at me this way. His eyebrow raised a bit as he waited for my answer.


He nodded and brought his hands in front of him, circling his finger around the top of his hand.

"Would you be down to do it again?"

"Yes. I'll be down to make you look good, again"

He chuckled lightly as he brought his hand to his face. His thumb traced over the light stubble as he parted his lips, fixing to say something else.

"No, just you and me"

He shrugged like he was asking me something that was not major at all.

"You mean like a date?"


He smiled confidently as a smile coated my face. Alesso Curaso is asking me out on a date. Who would have thought it?

"Well in that case, sure"

His soft gaze looked away and at his phone that buzzed in his hand.

"I should get going, I'll catch up with you. Nice seeing you tonight"

With a sudden turn, he pulled the front door open and closed it behind him. I took the lock between my fingers and twisted it before turning the switch off and going up to my room. I sat on my bed as I started to pull my heels from my feet. Walking in heels is not for the weak, and not the strong either, apparently.

I stood up, walking towards my mirror and dresser as I pulled both of my hands to my ear, taking the shiny dangles from it and sitting it in the jewelry box. "Sexy" I said as I pointed at myself in the mirror.

She looked back at me and winked, making me smile. I adored the way I looked, and I'm sure everyone else did to.


Making it home, I put my key down onto the end table and walked up the stairs. I sighed as I pulled my suit jacket from my arms, soon throwing it on the back of the chair I had sitting near the corner of my room. Tonight went well. I've made new associates, and I left with a positive attitude. I may have to thank Diana for that. I was on my best behavior tonight, trying to impress her.

She really seemed to enjoy my company. The way she held onto me when those creepy men were giving her looks made me feel like the dominant man I am. Not saying that I need a woman to make me feel like I'm in charge, because I obviously am, but she made me feel like she wanted me to protect her, like she looked at me for protection. Of course I made sure she was protected. I only had to give them one look and they straightened themselves out on their own.

I looked at my phone as I started to unbutton my shirt. My brother texted me, but I wasn't sure what he wanted. He said that he wanted to talk, but talk about what?

After getting completely undressed and showering again before laying down, I decided to text him.

I asked him if it was something important and he didn't text me back. I'm guessing that it wasn't important, and even if it was, he'd stop by or call.

I drifted off to sleep, thinking about a certain someone. The way her soft and sweet voice hummed as I talked to her, showing me that she was more than interested in what I had to say. That's the thing I liked about her. She looked me in my eyes as I spoke to her. Many people don't do that, afraid that I'd hurt them, but why would I do that? You can still respect the king and look into his eyes as he talks. It's actually disrespectful to do otherwise if you ask me.

During the dinner, a chef had brought over a bottle of wine. He said that we'd have to pay for it if we wanted it, so of course I was going to pay the tab. Three hundred dollars won't hurt me at all. When it was time to pay, Diana pulled out her very own card. The man almost grabbed it and I wanted to break his fucking fingers. Did he not see me there?

I quickly moved her hands out of the way and handed him my own card, telling him to give himself a nice tip and not to be shy.

Diana shyly put her card back into her purse and looked at me, putting her shoulder onto her face. "You didn't want me to pay?" She asked.

I shook my head no, chuckling as I grabbed the wine. I popped it open, receiving a small gasp from her.

"Of course not. You'll never pay for a thing when you're with me, promise" I said.

She gave me a small laugh as she picked up her wine glass, holding it towards me to pour some wine into it. Her laugh is so angelic, it's like music to my ears.

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