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"I told you I am a don. I have to take care of certain things but right now I need you to go back into my room until everything is handled" he said.

I nodded as he guided me up the stairs that would lead to the first floor. I chose not to give him a hard time. Since I'm guessing that he is torturing someone, now would be a good time to just comply.

The walk up to his room is quick. He closes the door behind him and I have nothing to do so I lay in bed. I easily grew tired again and closed my eyes, falling right back asleep.

The sunlight from Alesso's window beamed through, and forced me awake. My thoughts were filled with remembering how gentle Alesso would be with me, then it changed. Remembering the screaming I heard last night made me scrunch my face up. I turned to the other side to see Alesso laying down faced me.

"Good morning" he muttered, stretching his arms wide. His many tattoos coated his skin, making me look down. His whole image makes my insides clench.

"Hey" I smiled, soon sitting up. "I need a toothbrush".

He sighed and pointed towards the bathroom. "First drawer on your left. You can just leave it on the counter when you're done"

I nodded and stood up, making my way into the bathroom. After brushing, I walked out to see him standing by the large window.

"You're going to take me home?"

He turned around, looking at me as if I had just spoken another language. His eyes traced over my face, him slowly walking towards me.

"Home? We haven't even eaten breakfast yet"

I walked closer to him and brought my gaze to his chest, looking at the wound he showed me before. I just couldn't help it.

"I know but-"

"I mean if you're tired of me already I'll take you home" he said defensively. It was almost as if he was offended that I wanted to go home. He's not use to women wanting to leave him.

"I'm not tired of you I just...all of my clothes are at home, and I could make you breakfast"

He stopped in his tracks, calming himself down from his small temper. "That sounds nice. Just give me a minute to get myself ready"

I nodded and sat back on the bed as I watched him move around.


"Are the waffles good?" I asked.

Alesso looked up at me and gave me a small smile. His mouth was stuffed with food and he ate as if he hadn't eaten in days.

"Would you like more juice? I see that you've drunken all of it."

He nodded and handed me his glass. I took the glass and glared at him as his phone rang. He picked it up and his mood changed. He seemed a bit tense, sitting up straight.

"bene uccidilo! cazzo stai temporeggiando? ho già gestito i due idot di prima, gestiscilo e basta"

(Well kill him! The fuck are you stalling for? I already handled the two idiots from earlier, just handle it)

I watched his facial expressions as he talked on the phone. Since I didn't understand the language, this is the only thing I could do.

"sono sulla via! Fanculo"

(I'm on the way! Fuck)

He slammed his phone onto the table and stood up. "fottuti idioti. devo fare tutto da solo" he mumbled.

(Fucking idiots. I have to do everything myself)

"Everything okay?" I asked as I walked up to him with his glass of orange juice in my hand.

Irritation took over his face, making me frown. "I have to go, I'll catch up with you later"

He put his hand on my waist, quickly moving past me and left the kitchen. I soon heard the front door open and close. I sighed thinking about what he has to do. Since he calls himself a don, he probably has tons of things to deal with.


I sighed as I opened the door to my basement, seeing the injured man look at me. The fear in his eyes made me smirk as my men surrounded each corner. "How many of you are going to get caught down here?"

The man closed his eyes and started to whisper, seeming to be praying. He should have thought about praying before he listened to his boss. I don't know how many times I'll have to make an example out of one of their men for Ivanov to know not to fuck with me. The deal was talked about years ago, he should be over it by now.

"So why am I here? Kill him and get it over with" I said, looking at one of my men. Stefan stepped forwards and shook his head.

"We actually can't do that"

"Why the fuck not?" I asked.

He grinned his teeth as he widened his eyes, seeming to not want to say anything. "Ivanov sent him to say that if we kill anymore of his men, he'll take...your girl".

My girl? Oh, he means Diana.

"That's who he wants. He wants Diana, but says he won't make a move unless you push him to" The man in the chair looked at me.

I grew angry as I looked at him. There is no way in hell he thinks he'll get Diana.

"Kill him-"


"Fuck" I said as I pulled my gun from my waist. I fired it at the man's head, leaving his brains to explode and blood to gush out on the floor around him. "Send that to Ivanov" I hissed.

I left the room, soon getting in my car and going back to Gabriels's house. There were no unfamiliar cars out front, so I sighed in relief.

"Diana?" I yelled as I opened the front door.

I closed and locked it before making my way towards the stairs, hearing soft footsteps at the top. She came about and looked at me confusingly.

"Pack a bag, you're coming with me" I said, walking up the stairs.


"No time for questions. You have to come to my house and you have to do it now. Pack a bag with lots of clothes"

She nodded and turned around, going back towards her room, and I followed her in.

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