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I push the door open to Gabriel's house, not bothering to knock. He was expecting me, I had just gotten off the phone with him a hour before. I softly closed the door, hoping that Diana would be down.

She hasn't answered any of my calls and it's driving me crazy. I am tired, and hungry. I haven't even been able to think straight since she's left me. I can't imagine what she's even thinking right now. I know that everything looks bad but it's actually not. I brought the girl there to help me relieve my thoughts by sucking my dick, that's true, but I didn't do anything.

It didn't even feel right when she kneeled before me, sticking her fingers in the hem of my pants. I knew that she had taken her underwear off because she wanted me to fuck her. I told her no and that she had to suck my dick which is why she was even there in the first place. I guess she never picked her underwear up.

I know I was wrong to do it in the first place, but it was all I was used to. I've had thousands of women come to my house to handle certain duties, and it all stopped when I started with Diana. I thought I'd want it when she was recovering but I was wrong. I don't want any of the whores I've had before, only Diana.

It's different with her.

I wasn't even able to walk a few feet before hearing Gabriel. "Come have a drink, Alesso"

I walked towards the kitchen, looking at the paintings on the walls. I had them put there, they look nice. I entered the kitchen to see Gabriel with a glass in his hand. He was near a bottle of scotch. My favorite thing to drink.

"Should we talk business over alcohol or do it over cigars?" He asked, smiling and sliding a glass near me.

I shook my head as I haven't been able to process anything. If I make any deals or moves right now they'll be shit because I won't make the right decision. "Definitely not over cigars"

I grabbed the bottle of scotch and poured myself a bit, downing it and sitting the glass back down. Gabriel raised his eyebrow.

"You don't look so good. Have you slept?" He asked.

I sighed and soon looked behind me, hearing small foot steps. Diana.

My eyes lit up as I looked at her. My chest felt something, but I'm not sure what it was. I examined her whole body. She had on a white and furry jacket with black pants. She had on cute boots that made her feet look really small. Her hat went down to her ears, and her hair was straight.

She rolled her eyes once she saw me but nonetheless entered the kitchen. "Morning, father" she said.

"Good morning, my brat" Gabriel nodded, taking a sip of his drink.

I clenched my jaw as she didn't even speak to me. She walked right past me and pulled the refrigerator open. "Good morning, Diana" I said, receiving another eye roll from her. She sighed but answered me back.

"Where are you going all dressed up? You look beautiful" Gabriel said.

She pulled a bottle from the fridge and started to shake it. It looked like a breakfast shake, but I could be wrong. She closed the refrigerator and took the cap off. "I have a coffee date with a friend".

Gabriel nodded. "A friend? Do I know this friend?" He asked. I could tell he was a bit possessive over his daughter but that shit never flied with me.

"No. I just met him when I went to get my car cleaned earlier. I should be back around twelve" she walked past me and soon turned around. She gave me a devilish smile before disappearing.

I could feel my blood boiling as I thought about someone else taking her out. No one will ever be good enough for her.


"And then I told him 'that's what I was looking for'." Catherine laughed as she had her hands in acetone. She was getting her nails soaked off as the man started to shape my nails. I wanted him to file them a bit shorter.

Her accent was thick and it made me smile. Her heavy Italian side was showing, much more than its ever shown.

"How are you and Alesso?" She asked with a raised eyebrow. She had changed the subject again, which she did for the thousandth time since I've met up with her.

I hesitated before answering her. I wouldn't dare tell her about what her stupid son did. Our relationship is none of her business, and none of my father business, which is why I didn't tell him either.

"Why do you ask?"

She smiled and shrugged before looking at her hands. The man in front of her lifted them out of the bowl and poured the liquid out. "I know that look on his face. He's done something and is guilty." She said.

I furrowed my eyebrow in surprise. If I didn't think anything I definitely would have thought something now. "No. He may be guilty because he stepped on my toe last night. I was pretty bummed about it, my toe still hurts" I lied. It was ridiculous how fast I could come up with a lie but I was grateful for my fast thinking.

"Poor toe. Did he make it up to you? One time my husband stepped on my toe and broke my acrylic. He's been sucking them ever since" she said, making me giggle.

"I don't think he'd be into toe sucking, although it does make me want to find out" I said. She had no idea how mean her son was in bed. He likes to be dominant so there's no way he'll do it.

She shook her head. "Curaso men are into it. Make him suck your toe when he has you on your back. I promise you'll like it."

I widened my eyes at her filthy mouth. I can already tell that her and her husband get down and dirty in bed.

"Either that or make him lick you wherever you want. My husband occasionally licks my ass. Trust me, you can get these men to do whatever you want" she chuckled.

I giggled as this may be a long day with her. One of her butlers keep coming by and asking me if I want any alcohol and I might not refuse. Feels like paradise here.


The time is now eleven pm. I've been working all day, going to meetings, visiting my many buildings and just showing up to places where my face needs to be shown. I made sure not to make any decisions because I know they won't go well in the long run.

I had just gotten out of the shower, dressed in my pajama shorts and wife beater. I got a call from my mother, so I picked it up.

"Figlio. Come get your girl. She's driven her nice Range Rover here, but she's a bit tipsy. I won't let her leave without someone to take her home" she said.

I instantly shot up and mentally thanked her for calling me. There couldn't have been a better time.

I grabbed my car keys and headed to her house, pushing the door open. I heard laughter coming from the living room, so that's where I went. I saw the two of them sitting there on the couch. Diana's eyes were low and a bit red. I have a feeling she's more than tipsy. Either that or she is really tired.

"There he is. Come on, Diana. You have to go with your fidanzato" my mother said.


I smiled as Diana stood up, making her way to me. With her phone in one hand and her clutch in the other, she smiled at me.

My mother walked up to me and squinted her eyebrows. "non pensare per un secondo che non so che hai fatto una cazzata. Non voleva dirmi cosa fosse, ma so che è qualcosa. portala a casa e trattala bene, in questo modo si sveglierà e sarà grata che ti abbia chiamato stupido culo" she smacked the back of my head.

(don't think for a second i dont know that you fucked up. She wouldnt tell me what it was, but i know its something. take her home and treat her good, that way she'll wake up and be grateful that i called your stupid ass)

I nodded before grabbing Diana by her waist and leading her outside to my car. Leave it up to my mother to make sure I get what I want.

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