Forty one

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I sighed as I stretched in bed, soon coming to a halt. I noticed the familiar room and groaned as I put my hand on my face. How did I end up here.

As I started to move my legs around I looked at Alesso's large window. It seemed to be that the sun was low so I knew it wasn't time for me to get up yet. I chuckled as I remembered what Catherine had told me. If I had the type of sex she said that Curaso men were known for I'd never leave Alesso.

My thoughts were soon invaded by Alesso lifting his head to look at me. I was kind of in the mood to make him my bitch, so I did.

I grabbed his head and pulled him. He quickly climbed on top of me. It felt good to feel his warm body against mines. I pushed his head down, making him go for it.

I pulled my legs up, him taking this opportunity and sticking his arms under my legs, wrapping them around to my thigh. I gasped the moment I felt him moving his head between my legs. He started to kiss my thigh, making me breathe a bit harder as he reached close to my center.

He removed both of his hands from under my legs and reached up my body, grabbing a hold of my tits, covering them with each of his hands. I placed my hands on top of his and held on as he went to work. I gasped again when I felt him go to my pussy lips.

His tongue made contact with my clit and I shuddered. I watched him as he stuck his touch out to spread my lips apart. "Mmm" I moaned softly. He smiled up at me.

"I love how wet you are"

He then put his lips back against me, starting to lick me gently. His tongue was gliding up and down on my clit, making me moan a bit more. He kept holding my tits, rubbing my nipples with his thumb. I felt so sensitive, I shuddered each time he flicked the soft nubs on my chest. I was already losing my mind.

He took one of his hands away to spread my lips apart. I moaned as he took my clit into his mouth again, sucking me like I was a piece of candy. I moaned out when he pushed a finger inside me.

"Fuck you're so good"

He groaned against my clit in response as he pressed his finger deep into me and rolled his tongue. He focused his attention on my bean and it felt like heaven. I started to push my pussy onto his face.

He bit his lip as he looked up at me, curling his finger and teasing my g spot. My lips parted as I looked down at him. So sexy and at my feet. As he should be.

"You taste so fucking amazing. I love eating your pussy" he said before sticking his face back in. I could see that his lips and chin were literally dripping from my arousal.

"Don't stop" I moaned as I pulled a pillow under my head to get a better view. My neck was getting tired from bending it, the pillow relieved me.

He started to really devour my pussy. With his finger still inside me, he pressed up against my clit and put his whole mouth over me. I could feel his warm tongue on my most sensitive parts and it made me squirm, feeling myself reach closer to my orgasm.

He groaned as he pulled his hand away from my tits, putting it back under my legs and holding me down. He forced me still as he licked my clit again.

"Oh fuck, Alesso. You should eat my pussy more often" I moaned.

He pulled away and smacked my pussy, making me gasp. He went back down and circled his tongue around, making me arch my back. I started to squirm more, resulting in him gripping me tighter to force me still.

I moaned non stop as I didn't want this to end. The feeling of being on the edge of cumming was the greatest. He pulled away, making me sigh and look down at him.

"Stop doing that. It's irritating-"

"Shut up" he said as he smacked my pussy again with his open palm.

The moment he started to lick my clit I felt the knot in my stomach forming again. "Oh yeah don't you fucking stop. Yes right there don't stop. Oh yeah I'm so close- Alesso stop teasing me" I moaned as he pulled away.

He chuckled as he placed his tongue back on my clit, keeping it still. The feeling was there, I just needed the movement. I started to grind my face against this tongue, making him pull back.

"This pussy is always so needy. So ready to be played with" he said before stuffing me into his mouth. I grabbed the back of his head and forced my way into my orgasm, rubbing myself against his face.

"You're so good with your tongue. Grab my tits, baby" I moaned.

He continued to lick me, grabbing my tits and squeezing, helping me through my orgasm. My orgasm hit me like a train wreck, making my body weak afterwards.

Alesso crawled from between my legs and laid on his back, putting his hands behind his head and looking over at me. I gently turned to my side, and pulled the cover over me.


I woke up from my second wave of tiredness that hit me after going down on Diana. She really made me put my tongue to work.

I reached on the side of the bed, not feeling Diana. I groaned as I sat up, mentally cursing myself for not waking up when she left. After brushing my teeth, I walked downstairs. As I entered the kitchen I was brought to the wonderful sight of a short Diana in my button down, standing near the counter with a mug in her hand.

I walked behind her and kissed the side of her head as I wrapped my arms around her. She sipped her coffee, making me smile. She looks so good in my shirts. She can wear as many as she wants.

She turned around to me. I leaned it for a kiss but she pulled her head back, placing the mug into my hands. "I was thinking bacon and pancakes for breakfast" she moved past me, pulling bacon from the fridge.

"That sounds good" I said as I moved to sit in one of the chairs near the island. I sipped the coffee she handed me and sighed. It tasted good.

"Mhum. With lots and lots of syrup. I woke up in a good mood today, I'm in the mood for everything sweet" she said. Yeah because I ate her pussy.

"Like candy?" I asked.

"No, like fruit. I think I'll go to the store before going home" she said as she pulled a pan out and placed it on the stove.

"What?" I asked.

"What? You didn't think I was staying here did you?" She chuckled, shaking her head. She put the bacon into the pan, soon turning around to look at me.

"I just thought after-"

"After you ate my pussy that I was going to forgive you for attempting to cheat on me? No. It's not that easy" she turned back around and started to focus on the pan in front of her.

Not that simple? The hell, does she want me to get on my knees and beg.

"Well what do I have to do to get you to forgive me?"

"Nothing" she shrugged.

I rolled my eyes as I inhaled a deep breath, watching her backside as she moved the pan back and forth. I can already tell that this shit isn't going to be easy.

I should have never had that whore come here in the first place.

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