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"Don. We have not found the guy yet, but we have a name" Stefan said as he followed after me, walking from the front door to the kitchen.

"Well what's the fucking name? Come on, speak"

I enter the kitchen and pull a small glass down before taking a bottle of scotch by the neck, pulling the top off and pouring myself some. I turn around to him as he begins to talk.

"Ramond Romano. He's twenty five, works with the Russians-"

"The Russians? As in Ivanov?"

Stefan nods and I roll my eyes. Ivanov is a Russian mob boss. We were supposed to do business with him years ago but he wanted something I would not offer. I refused to let him use my men. He wanted to have my men pack his shit up, and transport it overseas. Of course I told him hell no. That is too much of a risk, and if my best men are going to go to jail they're going to jail over me. He got angry and didn't go through with the deal.

Over the past years, a few of his men were seen a few times circling my house. We knew it was them because of their strategy. They didn't have one. They were sloppy, and just did as they pleased. I wish he would have shown up himself so I could give him a bullet in the head. He's too pussy to do his own work. Not me, if I really want something done, I'll handle it myself.

I downed my scotch and turned around to pour some more inside.

"The guy that you shot was named Ramond Romano"

Stefan sounds a bit worried as he glances over at the glass I'm pouring, but he needs to mind his own business. I scoff at the name. The first and last name sound too alike. Who the hell would do that to their child?

"He bled to death..."

I turned around to look at Stefan, seeing not a joking bone in his body. Good, another number added to my list of bodies. I think if I catch two more I'm triple digits.

"Good. Happy I could set an example out of him."

Stefan chuckles and shakes his head. "It's said that he didn't go to the hospital because they thought he could recover. I'm not sure how they thought a shot in the heart would-"

"The heart? I thought I only hit him in the arm"

I sat my glass down and he shook his head.

"Yeah, there too, but also in the heart. No one else got hit, only him"

I rolled my eyes at myself. I need to get back into the shooting range, I'm slacking. "I want Ivanov. Throw that fat son of a bitch in the basement and I'll handle the rest. I need him found by tonight or else" I said through clenched teeth.

"We'll try, don".

I sat the empty glass on the counter as I walked up the stairs, soon going into my room. I threw my phone on the bed and started to take my clothes off. I mentally groaned for fucking up with Diana. There is no way she'll want to see me after this. The shootout, then the fighting, it was too much.

After all my clothes were off, I stepped into the shower. My thoughts started to trail off as the water came down, softly cleaning and condensing my skin. Old enemies. It's not like things that risk my life aren't expected, it's just that I wasn't on my game when it happened. I'm always alert and watching, but this time I wasn't. I was so wrapped around Diana's finger that I didn't pay attention to the things I needed to. I have to stop fucking seeing her.

After a long shower, I changed into something to sleep in and laid in bed. I laid on my back as I looked up at the ceiling. Having Diana here would be nice. My thoughts are soon interrupted by four knocks on the door. This is code knock.

"You're not needed, go home"

I yelled to whatever whore it was trying to come and see me. I wasn't interested, not anymore.


My sleepy voice muttered as I could barely even open my eyes. They felt so heavy, as if they were being held down by imaginary fairies.

"Someone is here to see you" my father said.


I sat up and dragged myself to the bathroom. I didn't want to have stinky morning breath, being all in someone's face, spreading my mouth funk. After brushing my teeth, I walked down the stairs, soon seeing Alesso.

I became self conscious about my choice of clothes. I had on a huge t shirt that went just over my ass to sleep in. It was one of my fathers old shirts from when he was younger, and I've kept it, and don't plan to throw it out.

I stood short, looking at the tall man in front of me. For the first time ever, I'm seeing his arms. He had a sleeve of tattoos, and it honestly was so hot to look at. Just thinking about looking at his arm from underneath him as he holds my neck and pounds into my pussy makes my insides clench.

He has on a plain shirt with grey pants, looking very regular. I liked this look better, even though he looked very hot in the suits. The more comfortable look was for the win.

I folded my arms, waiting for him to say something. The charming gaze isn't going to work on me, not this time. He's pissed me off, not making the right decisions. I am a princess and will be treated as such.

A smirk soon paints his face as he walks closer to me. I give him a sharp look with a slightly irritated face as I take a step back. He ignores my protest, continuing to give me a devilish look as he walks forwards. I eventually back in a wall and he stands a few inches away from me.

"What's wrong? You don't want to touch me?"


I said the opposite of what my body was thinking and he clenched his jaw, soon smiling and calling my bluff. God, why does he keep looking at me like this? I'm not trying to fall under his spell.

"I came here to get something from you"

His face is a few inches above mines as he puts his forearm on the wall above me. I feel like a little child as I look up at him, gazing into his lustrous eyes as he looks down at me. I'm sure he's given this look to many women before.

"You didn't give me anything"

He licks his lips and smiles again. I can feel the breath from his nose fanning down on me and it makes me shudder.

"I feel as if last night was officialy our second date and you didn't kiss me. I deserve a kiss for saving your life-"

"You wouldn't have had to save my life if it wasn't for people that were after you. What the hell was even that?" I asked.

He brought his gaze down to my lips, soon licking his, and making me subconsciously do the same. He swallowed and then chuckled.

"Some people just don't want me to live, you should know that by now"

I shake my head at his answer and roll my eyes. His face is still inches away from me and I suddenly feel like he's getting closer.

"I know nothing" I assured him.

He nodded and tilted his head to the side, bringing his lips forwards. My head latently leaves the wall as I come forwards to meet his lips with mines. In a quick instance he pulls away and chuckles.

"I have your phone"

I push him away from me and he takes a few steps back, smiling.

"Oh come on, I was just kidding. Come give me a kiss" he comes closer to me.

"No. I want my phone, and you can leave after"

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