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"Okay. You guys have a safe drive home, call me"

Alesso and I stood by the front door. He had convinced me to stay the night, even though I didn't know him much. I figured one night wouldn't hurt, plus he has so much security. I see no possible threat in being here with him.

He softly closed the door after his brother left and I turned to him.

"Teasing me at the dinner table, really?" I asked as I looked at him.

He looked away, pretending to be embarrassed and chuckled. "Fun right? You didn't say anything for the rest of the dinner" he turned to walk up the stairs and I followed him.

"Because I had someone's hand inside of my underwear. I'll get you back one day. You won't expect it" I walked behind him, soon reaching the last stair and following him down the hallway.

"Gangsters move in silence. See now, I will be looking out for it since you told me"

I rolled my eyes as we entered his room. "Whatever. I'm sleepy" I said.

He closed his room door and turned the light on.

"Well get in my bed and get under the cover. Do you want a shirt so you can sleep comfortably"

I nodded and he went into his closet. He came back out a minute later in shorts with no shirt, holding a shirt for me in his hands.

"Okay. Turn around"

He scrunched his face up and rolled his eyes.

"What are we, twelve? Get undressed so we can talk. I won't look, maybe" he chuckled at the end of his sentence, making me do the same.

I took my dress off and pulled his shirt over me that fit me like a small dress. He walked over to his bed and laid back on it, being at the bottom.

"Come" he said, pointing at the open space on his lap.

I'm not a pussy, so I walked towards him. I climbed on top of him, straddling him as he looked up at me.

The tattoos on his chest and stomach were amazing. He had so many, and it all looked so hot. I'd pay anything in the world to skip to a time where I've known him for longer than a week so I could fuck him. I just know he knows how to please a woman.

I brung both of my hands down and traced his tattoos. I came across a odd one, and when I ran my hand over it he shuddered. I noticed that it wasn't an unusual tattoo, it was a scar.

"What happened?"

He looked down near the spot I was touching and looked back up at me. "An attack. Someone wanted me dead, and they got me, just not good enough. I have more"

He pointed to the three wounds that showed on his stomach and chest. He almost seemed proud of them.

"Bullets?" I asked.

He nodded and shrugged. "Don't make it sad, people just wanted me dead, but they are no longer breathing. If something is done to me, I always get revenge"

"You've been shot three times? How are you not afraid-"

"I have guards. They surround this house, and I have many inside. They catch the small things I don't. I won't allow myself to get caught slipping again."

He grabbed my hand and pulled it up to one of the wounds. He gently pressed my finger against it, soon moving it away.

"This one is closest to the heart. If they would have been a few inches over they would have punctured my most important organ"

I nodded as he licked his lips, looking at me with that lust filled look again. He soon sighed and smiled as he moved my hair away from my neck. "You said you were sleepy right?"

I nodded and he grabbed my waist, moving me up the bed. He gently laid me down and I pulled myself under the cover. His silk sheets felt so soft and smooth under my skin that my eyelids instantly grew heavier. I could feel Alesso sneak under the covers with me, but he dared to touch me. ugh, enough with this respect shit, I want him to hold me close.


I had slept for a few hours before I woke up. The time was now three in the morning. I usually don't wake in the middle of the night, but something is different. I look over at Diana who is laid on her side with the pillow tucked underneath her head. She looks so beautiful with her hair pulled back, face showing. Her nose is the perfect curve, and her long eyelashes drape over her eyes like beautiful curtains. She's so daring.

I sit up, eyeballing my room for my pack of cigarettes. I guess one wouldn't hurt. Once I spotted them on my dresser, I walked to grab them, taking a single one out. I grab my lighter and go onto the balcony, exiting through the door of my room. I make sure to close the door, respecting her enough to not have to put her through smelling them. Everyone around me that doesn't smoke them says they stink, but I couldn't care less.

My shirtless body sits on the chair I have out, lighting the stick and putting it to my mouth. I inhale deeply and blow the smoke out. Every now and then, I look at the many tattoos on my arms. I'm thinking about adding more, it's been about four weeks since I've gotten a new one. My newest one is the face of a woman smoking a cigarette. She's right on the side of my arm at the top. She has on a hat and a suit. I'm not sure who this woman is, but I liked it.

Sudden movements in the distance catch my eye as I had trailed off in my thoughts for a few seconds. Two figures, slowly moving in the distance. They are walking towards my house, and looked to be dressed in all black. I can already tell that they are Russians. Why the hell is Ivanov setting them up?

I put my cigarette between my lip and take my gun from my side. I aim it at the men and fire two shots. The man on the left get hits in the knees. He immediately falls down and quietly screams in pain. The man on the right gets hit in the arm. He holds his arm and I chuckle to myself. Four of my men run over to the men and aggressively pick them up.

I put my cigarette out and open the door to the balcony, stepping into my room. The sound proof doors prevented Diana from hearing anything. She is still sleeping, laying the way she was. I walk out of the room and go outside to where I see the men.

"Russians" one of my guards says.

That's what I said.

"Basement. Now" I said, turning back around and going into the house. I went into the kitchen to pour me some alcohol. I didn't plan on torturing anyone tonight, but I guess I'll have to make changes in my plan.

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