Twenty three

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It's been about two weeks since I've left Alesso's house. He hasn't contacted me in any way and I haven't contacted him. I felt as if he owed me the biggest apology since he practically took my heart out and stomped on it, talking to me as if I was trash.

I eventually met up with one of my friends and she talked me into telling her about how I've been. Long story short I told her about Alesso, leaving the part about why I left his house out. As far as she knows, we are still friends or whatever we were that was nothing to him.

I had stayed in the house for all of that time, being scared to leave because of what Alesso said. The Russians said they'd do horrible things to me if they caught me, and I for sure didn't want that to happen. I finally felt at ease and decided it would be okay if I had a drink or two, even though I don't drink.

The music was loud and the speakers were booming as I stood in the middle of the club with Jennifer. People were everywhere, and they kept bumping into me as I was so little. My toes got stepped on a few times, and one man even peeled the paint off my toenail. Gosh, I'll have to get a fresh pedicure tomorrow.

Jennifer put her hands around my waist as she moved her body like a girl in the movies. She was always the life of the party, being the center of attention, and I loved it for her. She was a attention whore. Her boyfriend didn't like it though. He kept having to pull her from the bar tops every time a new song would come on, afraid that she'd do something embarrassing.

"Jake says he wants a threesome but I don't know if you're down" she yelled over the music. Her hair flipped around as she moved her head like crazy. I could barley move with her body, trying to keep up.

A threesome? Eww

"You're drunk. Maybe you should lay off of this" I said as I took the glass from her hand. I tipped the glass over and poured the small liquid onto the floor. She was too drunk to realize so she kept dancing.

"I'm just saying. You're the only girl I'd trust to let him fuck. Even though he says he wants me to be apart, I think he just wants to fuck you, and it's fine. You're beautiful"

I nervously nodded and placed my hands on her shoulders, starting to catch her rhythm. She moved her body to the beat of the song, dancing very fast.

"I'm starting to get a bit hot. I think I have to pee" she said. She moved her hands away from my waist and turned around, grabbing Jake's hand. I know this look. She wants a quickie. I fake pouted as I watched them walk away. Must be nice.

I stood there for a few seconds before I felt two large hands around my waist.

I turned around to see a man I'd never seen before. He had to be about five ten, two hundred pounds. His skin was a cream white color, and his face looked like he was angry. His mustache was large, and he had thick eyebrows.

"dnace so mnoy seksual'no"

(Dance with me sexy)

I shook my head, not understanding his aggressive words he used.

He chuckled and began to speak English. "Dance with me. You're beautiful, what's your name?"

I gave him a small smile as I turned my body fully towards him. "Diana, you?"

He pulled me closer to him by my waist and smirked. "Vladimir. Vladimir Ivanov"

I nodded and pulled myself back a bit. I didn't like his approach and he was a total stranger touching me. Although his last name does sound a bit familiar, I can't put my finger on it.

"Oh. Am I scaring you? No intentions, you're just beautiful, are you single?"

I thought about my answer before nodding my head. "Yep".

"How much for one night? Maybe two if you can do it right" he smirked. His yellow teeth turned me off more than I actually was and I just wanted to run away from him.

"Oh, I'm not that type of girl" I nervously chuckled.

He chuckled before stopping. "No I know, but I'd pay you. Forty thousand? Fifty?" He asked.

He came closer to me and gripped my ass, making me freeze, silently screaming for help. There was no way my five foot self could get away from him, and I sure no one even noticed what he was doing. Where's the bouncer when you need him?

I became relieved when I saw Jennifer walking towards us. Her hair was a bit messy and I shook my head. Yep, a quickie.

"Ohh" she gasped "Alesso is going to get you"

The man's head snapped quickly. "You said you were single. Wait! Alesso? Curaso?" He asked.

My heart dropped as I had remembered where I heard Ivanov from. Alesso had killed the Russian mob boss, and I'm guessing he was some kin, hence the same last name.

"Yep. Alesso. He's going to kill you when he see you touching her like that" Jennifer smiled.

The man looked at me and squinted his eyes. "Diana. We never knew what you looked like but we do now. You're coming with me".

He grabbed my arm and started to pull me through the club. I reached for Jennifer but she was too drunk to realize what she had just done. She smiled at me, and I couldn't help but think that she thought we were going to have fun. No, I'm going to die.

He yelled Russian at me until we got out of the building, soon finally speaking English as he yanked me through the dark alley.

"I'm going to fuck you until you bleed, my brothers orders!" He yanked me hard, making me gasp.

I started to sob as I drug my feet. My toes were dragging in my heels and my toes started to burn from rubbing against the concrete.

He stopped for a brief moment, striking his open palm against my cheek, hard. My whole head turned to the side, my face stinging as his large sausage fingers hit me like I was a man.

"Please" I cried.

He didn't listen. He kept pulling me until a black van pulled in front of him, stopping hard on their breaks. Oh fuck. Now I'm going to be forced in and who knows if I'll ever been seen again.

My mind completely changes as he stops too, being side tracked. The van's door shoots open and it's Alesso. He had on all black and I am so joyous to see him.

"Let her go" he said sternly.

The Russian man smacks his teeth and shakes his head. "Are you kidding me? This is a fine piece of ass, let me at least have my way first"

Alesso clenched his jaw as he looked at the man, making me cry even harder. This man was going to put up a fight, something that I'm not ready for.

"She doesn't have anything to do with my business. She's my girl, let her go." Alesso said.

"A million-"

Before the Russian man can even get his word out Alesso threw a duffel bag onto the ground in front of us. My eyes drop as I can see the cash inside. The man shoved me towards the van and I fall off my feet, scraping my knees and hands. My hands start to burn as the gravel is poking me.

Alesso easily grows angry and pulls his gun from his waist. With a single shot, he shoots the man in the head and jumps from the van. He picks me up before grabbing the bag and putting us into the van.

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