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The door pulled open and immediately Alesso's eyes dropped down to mines. He stared at me longingly, totally ignoring my father who had his hand out for him to shake.

"Maybe he doesn't like handshakes"

Alesso turned from me and apologized to my father, firmly gripping his hand. He then looked to Benjamin and cocked his eyebrow.

"This is Benjamin, my brother" I smiled.

His face softened as he reached his hand out to Ben's. He shook it, then moved past, going into the house.

Alesso took a deep breath and smiled. "Come here". I couldn't resist his cheesy smile and walked into his arms. He wrapped his arms around my body and hugged me tightly before letting me go. "Dinner is almost served".

I nodded as I walked over the threshold. He closed the door and held my hand as he led me to the dining room of people. There was already a man sitting there. My brother and father seemed to get aquatinted pretty easily, talking as if they knew each other already.

The unknown man was of the same soft color Alesso was, and had such fluffy hair. His eyes were brown, and he had almost the same structured face as Alesso. Once he looked at me, his eyes lit up.

"This is Diana. Diana, this is my brother, Frances"

I smiled as I gave him a small wave, soon sitting in the chair Alesso had pulled out for me.

Frances had looked over at Alesso.

"questa è la tua ragazza? è fottutamente bella"

(Is this your girl? She's fucking beautiful)

I could see Alesso glance at me out of the corner of my eye. I didn't want to make it noticeable that I could hear their conversation, but they were right next to me, I'm sure they knew they could be heard, otherwise they'd speak in a language I could understand and not Italian.

"caldo vero?" Alesso smirked, receiving a nod from his brother.

(Hot right?)

"So, what are we eating tonight?"

I looked to the side of me and at Alesso. He cleared his throat, taking his gaze away from his brother and looking at me. "Soup and pasta. Are you a fan?"

I shrugged and smiled at him as he looked at me the way that made my pussy clench. I swear this man knows what he's doing to me. He has to know.

Two chefs soon brought out the food, sitting the delicious plates right in front of us. The food smelled amazing and I couldn't help but hurry to pick my fork up.

"So, Diana, how are you enjoying time with my brother?" Frances asked with a mouth full of food.

I choked on the bit I was swallowing when I felt a firm hand on my thigh. When I looked over at Alesso, he had put his fork in his left hand and began eating with that one. He smiled as he looked at me for my answer.

"Yeah, I don't think I asked you that" Ben said.

"He's alright" I sighed as I picked up my glass to take a swallow to drink.

Alesso chuckled and shook his head as he looked at my father. "Gabriel. How is the business? Everything working out for you?"

Alesso's hand slid up my thigh a bit and I couldn't help but clench them together. It's already bad that he makes my insides move around just by looking at me, now he's touching me? Oh god.

"Everything is great, thanks to you" my father turned to Ben "Alesso here funded the part of the company that buys more paper. Isn't that great?"

I could tell that my father was making something up. He always talked in code around me and honestly, it was irritating. I am an adult, twenty two years of age. He doesn't have to treat me like I'm still a little girl.

"Great" Ben rolled his eyes "now I have more shit to sort"

Alesso chuckled as he brought his hand the furthest it could go up. Since I had my legs closed, it was a bit hard to move around.

As Ben and Frances started talking, my father looked as if he was so interested. I hated talking about cars, or anything of the sort, and that was the center of their conversation.

Alesso leaned closer to me and kissed me on the cheek. It surprised me a bit, but I played it cool.

"Open your legs. Why are you making it so difficult?"

I looked to my side at the smirking man and furrowed my eyebrows. Tonight is not the time or place for this.

"Open my legs? My father and brother are right in front of me. That's literally the worst thing" I chuckled shaking my head.

He softly sighed. "I'm just trying to have a bit of fun. They're talking about stuff that no one cares about. Just let me pleasure you"

He leaned back up straight and nicely interrupted their conversation. "How about we have a drink after this?"

"I'm always down for something good, scotch?" My father asked.

Alesso nodded.

"I'm down. I could use a drink, my ole lady has been stressing me" Ben said. He looked as if he was calling him own bluff. Everyone knew that Ben was single, who was he fooling?

I slowly started to open my legs as Alesso's hand kept pushing through. He let out a quick smile as he looked at me then looked back at my father.

"How is everything with you and Diana? You seem to like her. Sorry if she is a little bratty, it's my fault" my father said, taking the blame.

I don't think I act bratty.

"Hey. I'm not..." I trailed off when I felt Alesso's finger move past my underwear. He pulled them to the side and placed his soft finger on my clit.

"You're not what Diana? You didn't finish your sentence" Alesso said, looking over at me.

I shook my head as I stuffed my mouth with pasta. "Never mind".

He nodded and grabbed his glass of water.

"Has she brought out the mumbling? God we hate the mumbling. It's like blah blah blah-"

"I'm right here you know" I said, interrupting Ben.

He chuckled and shook his head. "I'm only teasing you".

He wasn't the only man teasing me tonight.

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