Forty four

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He softly closed the door behind himself, looking over at me who stood over by the sink. "Diana. I love you" he smiled as he came closer to me. His smile soon turned into a frown as he put his hands on my waist, gently gripping me.

I lifted my right hand, gently placing it on his face. I lifted my head and he bent down, placing his lips against mines. For the first time ever, he softly and slowly kissed me. I opened my mouth to him, and him being dominant, he stuck his tongue inside. He softly massaged his tongue around mines, grabbing my face and pressing his body against me.

He all too quickly pulled away, bending down to kiss my neck. It was as if everything we've ever done before had disappeared. This was our first time, and it felt so much like it. His tongue was gentle, and he wasn't too fast. He moved just the right pace, touching me in just the right places.

He slid his tongue around the soft skin of my neck as he wrapped his arms around me, pulling me closer to him. My hands wrapped around him as I softly moaned, giving him confirmation that I liked it. The moment the sound escaped my lips, he pulled back.

He slowly turned me around, pulling me with one hand and pushing me with the other. I turned my back to him, seeing him through the mirror. "I just remembered that I am layered in clothes, and that it might take us five minutes to get undressed." I breathed.

He not once looked up from my back, me watching him pull the string of my dress to loosen it. "We have time" he said.

I contained my smile as I swallowed, looking at his jaw as he very slowly started to undress me. He pulled my buttons one by one. I slowly could feel my dress opening, my pussy clenching at the same time. Once he was all done in the back, he spread it, making the heavy piece of clothing fall to the floor.

He bit his lip as he looked at my ass, slowly moving to turn me around again. He breathed slowly, me watching his chest move up and down as he fiddled with the buttons on my corset. I felt I could finally breathe once he was all done.

"You don't need this. Your stomach is already flat" he said as he grabbed the straps of my under clothing.

I let out a soft giggle as I looked up at him. "It's for the outfit"

"Right" he smiled, seeming to forget about the theme of his mother's party.

He very slowly pulled the clothing down, soon placing his hands on my waist and pulling me to sit on the counter. I breathed softly as I pulled him closer by his pants, slowly bringing my hands to unbutton him.

He pulled his pants and underwear down, smashing his lips into mines before slowly sliding inside me. I gasped really loudly and fisted his shirt, holding onto his back.

He let out a deep breath before moving to pull out of me. "I can't be with anyone after you" he whispered as he grabbed my face.

I looked up at him, staring into his eyes that were staring into mines. His grey eyes gave me a dark stare, but it was pure. It wasn't the lust filled state he would give me when we fucked, this was different. Our bodies missed each other that they acted off emotions. My body was becoming overly heated from the moment he touched me, to now, where I am calm now that we are coming together as one.

"I would hope so" I said as he had stopped moving.

He gave me a small smile before smashing his lips back into mines.


I looked in the mirror as I wiped the rest of Alesso's cum from my cheek. Things had taken a turn somehow and we both ended up on our knees for each other. He just happened to finish here.

As I was done, I looked past me, looking at Alesso through the mirror. He stood there, fixing his tie and gazing at me. His gaze was strong, and I'm sure it could be felt from anywhere.

"What do you wanna fuck me again?" I joked, making him come out of his gaze and stand up straight, finally tying his tie the correct way.

"Don't tempt me" he smirked as he walked closer to me. He gave me a kiss on the lips and smacked my ass, only hitting the piece that covered my ass. "Oh, I forgot" he laughed.

I playfully shook my head as I turned around, following him out of the bathroom. The house was as quiet as a mouse, making my cheeks grow red. I hope no one heard us.

Alesso lead me to the kitchen where his mother and father were. Catherine stood there with a smile on her face and hand on her hip. "Did you guys enjoy yourselves?" She asked.

My breathing hitched as I stood there, covering my face. Alesso cleared his throat, humming is response.

"The party?" She chuckled.

I slowly brung my hand down, smiling at myself. I can't keep my emotions a secret. "Yes, it was really fun. I'm kind of sleepy now" because of her son fucking the shit out of me just a few minutes ago.

"Yeah. I'm going to get her home. I'll call you in the morning" Alesso said, grabbing my hand.

Catherine smiled and nodded, soon turning to look at her husband. We exited the house, Alesso walking me up to my car. "I'm hoping that you're coming to my place?"

I smiled as I nodded. "I just have to go home to get changed first. This dress is starting to irritate me, and I need clothes"

"Your clothes are still at my place. Everything you left is still in its place"

I smiled as I nodded again, thinking that it better be. If he had moved my stuff I'd assume another woman has been there.

Alesso opened my car door for me and I got inside. I followed him all the way to his house, getting out and entering with him holding my hand.

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