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"Ivanov men? I thought I'd never see you dummies again. What did he send you here for? To kill me?" I chuckled as I entered the room below my house.

My men tied the two men up, having their hands behind them and there feet to the legs of the chairs. The wounded men whimpered in pain for a bit, but who cares. There is now way they thought they'd be able to kill me.

I gave my men the look and they pulled the bags from off of their heads. I chuckled once I saw the face of a familiar man. He was one of Ivanov's greatest.

"Oh. I haven't seen you in what feels like ages, Popov. How have you been?"

I walked closer to him, inhaling my second cigarette that I had lit. Since I wasn't able to finish my first one, I had to get another one.

I stood right in front of the man, looking down at him as he tried to keep himself calm. I know for a fact that he was shitting bricks. He's helpless, no where to go, no one to call.

He looked at me with a straight face and shrugged. The fear in his eyes proved me right, pussy. Although the room was dim, I could see the horror in his eyes. I cocked my eyebrow, encouraging him to speak.

"Oh nothing much, Alesso. I've just been keeping to myself, making my money" I almost want to slice his neck for using my real name. His beat up face moved very slowly as he talked, trying not to hurt any of the wounds my men created.

"You think you can fool me? I'm the don."

He lifted his chin up to me, looking as if he was confident in what would happen next. The man next to him had gone completely quiet, not uttering a single word.

I bend down closer to him, blowing my cigarette smoke in his face. "That's funny because I heard that you're still taking orders from your boss, Ivanov. I know that was you driving that car, that shot at me. You spent the block but your man couldn't shoot anyone. He's dead, and here you guys are" I chuckled.

"That was a hit that had nothing to do with me. Ivanov wants you dead, and we were sent to carry it out-"

"Oh but it does have something to do with you. You were dumb enough to go through with it" I pulled my cigarette up to my mouth and inhaled. "Late at night, too" I blew the smoke in his face.

He scrunched his nose up and looked away. I shrugged and looked at the other guy. "Do you have anything to say before I kill you both? I'll make sure to send a picture to Ivanov to let him know that I am not to be played with"

The other man just starts to scream. His voice is loud and it echoes against the walls.

"nessuno può sentirti. non sprecare il tuo tempo"

(No one can hear you don't waste your time)

The man stops screaming at looks at me. Oh, he understands.

"lasciami andare fottuto stronzo"

(Let me go you fucking asshole)

How dare he talk to the don that way? I am the fucking king. I grab the razor from the floor and put it up to his neck. He gasps and holds his breath so he won't be cut.

"You watch your fucking mouth when you're talking to me. I am the fucking don. The mafia king. The boss. Whatever the fuck you want to call it. Maybe in your next life you won't fuck with people who don't fuck with you"

I press the blade against his neck and he whimpers in pain. I go slow, desiring for him to have a slow death. He deserves one.

I quickly stop when one of my men comes rushing through the door. "That girl. She's coming down-"

"What the fuck do you mean she's coming down! Look what the fuck were in the middle of" I gritted through clenched teeth.

He shook his head. "I tried to stop her but she slapped me".

I drop the blade and bring my hand to my head, sighing as my cigarette is between my lips. This fucking five ten male who's one hundred ninety pounds is letting a five foot, one twenty pound woman get the best of him?

I take my cigarette from my mouth and stand in the doorway, seeing her as she is a bit irritated, walking towards me. Her eyes softened and she smiled a bit. "Alesso"

"Yes, darling?" I ask. There has to be something really fucking important for her to wake out of her sleep.


Before she can even say what she wants, one of my men come behind her and grab her, attempting to pull her back. She struggles in his arms and eventually elbows him. He groans and almost puts her down, but keeps his grip.

"Put her down!" I yell.

He lets her go and she doesn't think twice. She turns around and starts to hit the man, connecting with his face, arms, and chest each time. He holds his arms up trying to shield himself but she doesn't care.

"Don't you fucking touch me" she hissed.

Her chest weaved from the sudden rush as she turned around to me, her hair flopping around and coming onto the side of her face. I almost want to scold her for leaving my room with this shirt on. It fits her like a small dress, and just in a quick instance her underwear can be shown.

"What's all that noise?" She asks.

I push my eyebrows together as I look at her small frame. What does she mean noise? This whole basement is sound proof. This is where I do my work sometimes.

"What noise?" I ask.

She turns and looks behind her, looking at one of my men. I look past her and at him. He makes a small gesture, letting me know that they have just captured someone else. I take a deep breath and look back at Diana.

"I'm sure it's nothing. Let me just walk you back up to my room, don't come out" I said as I walked closer to her.

She furrowed her eyebrows as I held her by the waist, gently pushing her towards the stairs. "It is something-"

She stops talking once the man starts to scream. Since I had the door open, she was able to hear everything. He screams in pain and I sigh as she stops to look at me.

" that someone in there?" She asked.

I nod my head and she looks confused.

"What do you mean yes? What are you doing in there?"

She literally has no idea about me being the Alesso. She wasn't joking.

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