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Today is officially three weeks after I've picked Diana up to take her to come stay with me. I explained the situation to her father and he agreed that it would be best for her to stay at my place. I have way more security than he does, and she has the things the wants.

Once I explained the situation to her, she was a bit scared and hesitant at first but eventually felt at ease. She knew that I had more security than the capital and agreed that it would be safer for her here too.

As the days went by, I've learned more about her than I thought I would. She's spoiled. Literally spoiled. Not just 'I want this' spoiled but 'my father does this' spoiled. She doesn't let a day go by where she's not demanding certain things and as the person who's fault it is, I give her whatever it is she desires. Better to keep her happy than have her on my bad side.

A few days into her staying here, we got into a argument. The argument was dumb and petty, but she didn't care. She refused to sleep inside my room with me and slept in a guest room. Her spoiled ass will have a rude awakening because I'm tired of hearing her complain about wanting to go home.

I exited my room and made my way down the stairs and into the kitchen. She was already down, but I had no clue. She was cutting up a apple and had a jar of peanut butter next to her. Judging from tights and bra she's wearing and the sweat all over her, she's just finished working out. She's been doing this everyday since she's been here.

"Want some? It's really good with the peanut butter" she said as she stuck the spoon into the peanut butter, scooping some onto the plate.

Without answering, I walk near her and grab a piece, dipping it into the spread.

"How is it?"

"It's alright"

"Whatever" she said, turning around from me.


"What?" He asked.

I bit the apple and looked up at him. He had a wonky smile on his face and I'm sure he knows that I know he was teasing. He never wants to admit anything, so arrogant.

"Why do you act that way? Like you're better than everyone else. You can't even sit here and admit that it's good because you want to seem like this boss or king. You're a regular man Alesso"

He chuckled and walked closer to me. My back brushed against the counter as he put both of his hands beside me, leaving me no where to go. "I am better than everyone, amore".

He gave me the same gaze he gave me when we first laid our eyes on each other. We held eye contact for a total of six seconds before speaking, but it felt longer. I had never stared into someone eyes like that a day in my life. I remember it like it was yesterday.

"You're not. You're just like me and the other men in this house" I said.

He looked down at my lips and licked his. I could feel the tension rising and stood there feeling helpless. These three weeks have been like hell for me. Everything he does make me want to drop to my knees for him, but I always think about what others would say. Have more respect for yourself, you're a lady.

Yep. A lady who wants to get fucked.

I wonder what he's like in bed. Is he as dominant as he always is, or is he more dominant? Is he submissive? Does he go down on women? Is he rough? Is he gentle? Does he know how to make a woman cum?

I got so distracted in my thoughts that I didn't even feel his gentle hand come up to my chin. He lifted me up to him, making my breathing hitch. His gaze never looked away from me and I could feel my pussy start to drip as I thought about him dominating me.

He slowly bent down and smashed his lips into mines. I can't even believe this was the first kiss. The kiss was soft at first, like he was trying to go slow and gentle for me. He took my bottom lip between his teeth and pulled a bit, growing more aggressive as he came back in. The moment I felt his aggression, I gasped. He took this opportunity to stick his tongue inside my mouth. His soft muscle gently explored my mouth as I brought my hand to his back, firmly gripping him.

He soon brought his hand up to wrap it around my throat. My pussy clenched and I tried my best not to moan. He was pushing me so far that it felt like I was holding my breath. His other hand found it's way to my hip and he pulled me, making my back leave the counter.

He roughly caressed and squeezed my ass, making me let out a small sound. He soon pulled away and looked into my eyes. I breathed hard from the sudden rush but tried to breathe slowly so he wouldn't know I got excited.

"New pajamas are set on the bed for you, silk" he said.

I nodded as he brushed his thumb across my bottom lip, pulling it down and exposing my teeth.

"It's black, your favorite. Look, I have to take care of some business. I should be back before the sun goes down but who knows"

I nodded as he pulled his grip away from me, letting me go. "I uhh...I'm going to cook some dinner after my shower. I'm in the mood for umm..." sex "steak".

He shrugged and smiled as he deeply breathed, seeming to notice my stammering. "Mash potatoes and grilled vegetables if you want me to eat". He turned and walked away.


"I'm saying, if you want me to eat then you should cook mash potatoes and grilled vegetables"

He talked as if him eating would satisfy me. I cocked my eyebrow and moved from the counter, pulling the refrigerator open. "I never said I wanted you to eat".

He furrowed his eyebrows, looking as if he wasn't prepared for my answer. He's so used to people being on their knees for him, and even though I want to be, I will not let him treat me like I am his servant. Rather he eats or not won't affect me, not even a little.

He tsks and exits the room.

Hmp. Maybe if he would have asked me nicely I would have done it for him. I am no servant, or maid. If anything, people are on their knees for me.

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