Thirty two

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I am sitting in the middle of Diana's room. She sat me in a chair, the chair that goes to her vanity set, and tied my hands behind my back using one of her scarfs. I didn't care about her lack of tools because I thought I'd be able to get out of this easily but no, she tied it good.

My vision was taken away by her placing a blindfold over my eyes. She insisted that this made the experience better, but I'm not used to this. I now know what it feels like to be a sub.

"Do you remember your safe word?" She asked. Her voice was coming from her closet. She said that she needed to grab something quickly before starting.

I had already given her strict rules so nothing would be getting stuck into my body. I'd want to murder her if she pulled out a dildo or something.


"And why is that?" She asked. Her voice gets louder and I hear the very faint sound of chain clacking together.

"Because macadamia is a type of nut"

She chuckled at her small joke and walked closer to me. I could feel her hair on my face and her warm breath on my ear.

"I'm going to untie you when I cum. The quicker the better"

She licks a bold stripe along my ear, making me shudder. No one has ever done me that way.

She moves back and snatches the blind fold from my head. I widen my eyes as I look at the black leather that wraps around her body. She looks like a fucking dominatrix doll.

Her hair is pulled into a high pony tail. Her hair is long so it hangs low below her shoulders. She has on a very short leather dress, black. It wraps her body nice and tight, showing every curve she has. The chains I heard from earlier came from the side of her dress. They hang low a bit.

I take in her appearance for a bit, being completely surprised. How could my sub turn into such a dominant woman? I'd be lying if I said she didn't look hot as fuck though.

"Now what did I tell you to call me?" She holds her head up high. She is confident and it turns me on even more. I bet the moment she touches me I'll cum.

What am I thinking. This sub role play has me thinking like a bitch. I am a man. After this, she'll never be able to do this to me again.

"Miss" I answered her.

She smiled and bit her lip, teasingly.

"Good boy"

She walks behind me and bends down, touching my hands. Her small hands glide across my wrists and she is untying the scarf. "You've passed my test"

"Your test?" I asked?

"Mhum. Not to bring up any of my past relationships, but I've tried this once before. Fragile masculinity is a big no no. If you can let me take over at least once, I feel you are the right man for me. My mother's words. If a man can't put his pleasure to the side for yours, he's not right for you"

I smirk to myself as I can feel her still moving around. Although I was looking forward to seeing her move around in this dress, I'm glad she doesn't want to do this.

And to think I was feeling like a bitch a few seconds ago.

"I am a sub. I like being submissive to you, and will continue to be submissive to you. It pleases me to know that you get pleasure in fucking me the way you do"


I stand up and come in front of Alesso, watching him bring his arms in front of him and stand up. His dick is hard, and it makes me smile. He still gets turned on by me either way.

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