Forty seven

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I sat on the edge of the tub as I looked at the running water. My bubbles started to fill the tub, all the warm water helping it to grow. The time was now eight pm. It was later than I expected with Alesso still not being here yet. I had already cooked dinner. I had a taste for spaghetti.

I was nearly undressed, only in my underwear when Alesso walked inside. He threw a duffle bag down at my feet with a smile on his face.

"Umm, excuse me" I cocked my eyebrow.

He chuckled. "Open the bag, bambina"

I hesitantly bent down and unzipped the bag, seeing big wads of cash. "How much is this?" I asked. Seeing loads of money has never been a surprise to me. My father is a very wealthy man, but this was a lot.

"A million."

I slowly nodded in oblivion. "And why are you dropping it in here?"

"Do you miss me?" He asked. He zipped the bag back up and put it over his shoulder. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Of course I do"

"Well this is why I was gone. I had to handle a few things. Made a lot of money today" he smiled.

I bent over to touch the water as I looked at him. I could tell that he was really proud of himself, and who I was to downplay his happiness. "That's wonderful. What did it take to get this?"

He sighed. "Nothing"

I sure hope so. I stood up and unclipped my bra, letting it drop onto the floor. As soon as I was completely naked, I stepped into the bath.

"I'm going to let you finish with your alone time, I'm going to go count this"

I nodded and closed my eyes as I laid my head on the edge of the tub. The warm water around me felt so good and relaxing. The bubbles smelled really nice, and made me feel like I was in paradise. I stayed alone in the bathroom for about twenty minutes until I was done, wrapping myself inside a towel. I could hear Alesso's conversation on his phone, and since he had the other person on speaker, I could hear them too. They sounded pretty heated. As I listened in, I learned that it was his father.

"ti sto dicendo. devi concludere l'affare" his father said.

(I'm telling you. you need to seal the deal)

"pensi che ascolterò tutto ciò che hai da dire? se non fosse per te che mi fai pressione non dovrei ricominciare tutto da capo con Diana. non avrei dovuto ascoltare il tuo culo" Alesso grouched.

(you think im going to listen to anything you have to say? if it weren't for you pressuring me i wouldn't have to start all over with Diana. i shouldn't have listened to your ass)

His father sighed. "almeno sai per certo che la ami"

(At least you know for sure that you love her)

"si, beh, non sono affari tuoi. sono stufo di essere messo sotto pressione da te. hai fatto questa merda da quando ero bambino. ascoltarti è stato uno dei più grandi errori della mia vita, e non avevo bisogno di una puttana per farmelo capire." Alesso said.

(yeah well it's none of your business. i'm sick and tired of being pressured by you. you've done this shit since i was a child. listening to you has been one of the biggest mistakes of my life, and i didnt need a whore to make me realize it.)

"figlio, penso che tu mi abbia frainteso. la puttana era lì per convincerti. in realtà non eri destinato a imbrogliare, era solo per vedere se avresti voluto" his father said.

(son, i think you've misunderstood me. the whore was there to convince you. you weren't actually meant to cheat, it was just to see if you would have wanted to)

"non pensi che lo sappia? è esattamente quello che ho fatto. la puttana si è avvicinata e ha provato a succhiarmi il cazzo. avevo già deciso nella mia mente che non l'avrei mai tradita, ho seguito le tue stupide istruzioni per vedere se avrei voluto. se avessi sentito un desiderio traditore, avrei appena rotto con lei. non l'avrei mai portato a termine, ma lei l'ha scoperto e la merda è troppa. shell non ha mai capito quali fossero le intenzioni"

(you dont think i know that? thats exactly what i did. the whore came over, and TRIED to suck my dick. i had already made up in my mind that i would never cheat on her, i just followed your dumbass instructions to see if i would have wanted to. if i felt a cheating desire i would have just broken up with her. i was never going to carry it out, but she found out and the shit is too much. shell never understand what the intentions were"

I walked out of the bathroom, earning a glance from Alesso as he had money in his hands. He dismissed his father and proceeded to count the cash in his hand.

"How much so far?" I asked as I walked towards the bed.

He smiled and put the money back into the bag. "Just the right amount". He pulled the bag to the side and stood up. I loved to watch his muscles flex. They moved when he did the slightest things.

I sat in the bed, watching him as he pulled his rings from his fingers. Silver rings. They made his veiny hands look so hot. I started to get hot and bothered just by thinking about it.

He walked towards the dresser and sat them down, soon turning to look at me. I bit my lip. "When are you showering?" I asked.

"Why, do I smell?" A state of worry was plastered over his face. I immediately pouted at his sad face.

"No. Of course not, I was just asking because...I'm ready to lay down" I shrugged my shoulder.

A cocky smile arose on his face as he slowly started to walk towards me. "Is my bambina's pussy feeling needy?" He asked.

I gave a small smile as he stood over me. I looked up at him and bit my lip. "Maybe"

He nodded as he bent down to me. He held the end of his chain in his right hand so it wouldn't hit me on the chin as he kissed me.

"I'll make my shower quick."

I nodded as he turned around to walk into the bathroom. My pussy was feeling extra needy.

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