Forty two

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I had left Alesso's house a few hours ago. I didn't really plan on staying there, didn't even plan on going back to his place in the first place. He took me home after I kept questioning him about what went on last night. I asked him why I was naked, and he responded with a grouch, 'because you took your own shit off. You complained about being hot'. He said that I was a whiny drunk but that it didn't affect him because I'm 'always like that'.

I was now sitting inside of my white range rover with my friend, Raven. We decided that it would be good for us to go out and get a bite to eat, hoping that we'd catch up in the mist. When I saw her small black car pull into the parking lot, I got out of my car to meet her.

We both met at the door. She opened her arms wide to hug me and then we both went inside. A tall man stood behind the small desk. Rob I read the name tag. "Can we get a booth? It'll only be us two" I asked with a smile.

He nodded and pulled two menus from under the desk and walked us to a nearby booth. We sat down, looking at him as he pulled his notepad out.

"Can I get you two something started to drink? We have a special on our alcoholic beverages. Buy one get one free" he smiled.

His teeth were straight and pearly white as he smiled down at me. I felt his gaze getting too intense so I looked away. "I'll just have a lemonade please, with a lemon on the side"

He chuckled before scribbling something on his notepad. "And for you ma'am?"

"Can I have unsweetened tea" Raven smiled.

He nodded and left, leaving Raven to playfully kick me under the table. "He was totally checking you out, Diana."

I shook my head as I traced my eyes over the menu. "No he wasn't, he was only being nice, it's his job" I said.

She scoffed and picked her menu up. "Definitely checking you out. He looked at you like he wanted to ask for your number. Maybe you should write it on the receipt"

I looked up at her and giggled, soon shaking my head. She's crazy if she thinks I will be bold enough to do that. He may not even like me that way, and plus I kind of still have my head wrapped around Alesso. The attempted cheating thing just has me on edge right now.


"Do you have time to talk right now?" Gabriel asked.

I sighed as I focused my eyes on her. I was sitting inside a back car with tinted windows. I watched as she stuck her straw into her drink, taking a small sip, then looking at the woman across from her.

"Not really, Gabriel. What is it?" I asked.

She looked out of the window but not at the car I was in. She seemed to be looking at the bush.

"About Diana. Is there something going on between the two of you? I mean she's been coming home, and not that I mind, I miss her very much, but she hasn't really done that since she's been with you. Are you two through with dating?" He asked.

I could hear him pour something into a cup, hearing the liquid move around and the two glasses cling against each other.

"What did she tell you?" I put my arm on the edge of the window and rested my head in my hand.


"Oh. I have to go" I quickly hung up the phone as I saw the waiter walk by. He stopped at their table, making eyes at my girl. I could tell by the way that he wrote on his notepad that he was taking their orders, but he didn't have to look at her that way. She's my girl. Once he was done with their order, he walked away.

I watched her the whole time, watching her move her mouth about things that I couldn't hear. She smiled none stop, making me wonder. What is it that they were talking about. Was it me? It has to be. There's no way she's smiling like that if it isn't.

She paid with her card and handed the man a one hundred dollar bill for the tip. The moment she exited the restaurant and got into her car, I phoned her. She scoffed and declined my call, soon cranking her car up and leaving.

I decided to stay there until the man got off work. Maybe I should teach him a lesson about touching what's mines. I saw the way his hand grazed over hers when she gave him the money. And I saw the way he stood there, talking to her after her friend had left. I wonder if he's gotten her number.

He went through the back, I'm guessing that he didn't have a car. I exited the car I was in and told my guard to wait until I came back. I slowly crept around the block, seeing him walking through a alley, perfect.

"Hey?" I said.

He turned around to me and squinted his eyes a bit to see me. "Yeah?"

I walked closer to him with a smile on my face. He was shorter than me, curly hair, sort of like mines. His nose was a bit pointy, and he had a scar over his eye. It wasn't big though. The streetlight is what helped me to see him.

"That girl, that you met in the restaurant, she's cute isn't she?" I asked.

He smiled and looked down, seeming to be blushing about my girl. He nodded and looked back up to me. "Yeah. She's nice too, really nice"

"Yeah. Really nice. Did you get her number?" I chuckled.

He raised his eyebrow, looking at me as if I was invading but nonetheless nodded his head. I clenched my jaw. He took a small step back, but I stepped forwards to make him feel uncomfortable.

"Yeah that's funny because that's my girl"

He parted his lips and sighed. "Oh shit, I'm sorry man. I swear I had no idea" he said.

I nodded and pulled my gun from my waist. "Yeah. I'm sure you didn't. What made you want to talk to her? Was it because she has a fat ass? Nice breast? What?" I asked.

He deeply breathed and held his hands up. "I'm sorry man. I just thought she was cute that's all. I'll delete her number I swear. I won't contact her". He sounds like a pathetic bitch.

I walked closer to him and put my gun under his chin. His breathing hitched and he started crying like a little girl. "Maybe in the next lifetime you'll think twice, Huh?"

Before he could answer I pulled the trigger. The suppressor on my gun kept the shot from echoing. I shook a step back so his blood wouldn't get on me, but it still did, only a bit though.

His lifeless body dropped to the ground, making a big slumped noise. Now he'll make better decisions next time. I spit near his body and put my gun back on the side of my waist, walking away from the alley.

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