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I push my room door open, seeing Diana's naked frame. She is standing by the balcony door, looking to be admiring something outside. I know that there are workers outside, but due to the privacy glass, no one can see her.

Once she hears the door close, she turns around to me. The first thing I notice are her big brown eyes. They make her look so much nicer than she really is.

Her tits sit up as she walks towards me, them slightly bouncing with each step. "I see you're up and walking" I say, recalling back to when she told me she was aching between her legs. Although I didn't intend for this, it is an ego booster.

I'll try to be more gentle next time though.

"Yeah. It's been hours, I missed breakfast so I had to make me something quick. Why didn't you wake me?" She asked.

I pulled her into my arms and kissed her soft lips. I adored how plump they were, two nicely sized pieces of skin on her face. She puckered her lips and kissed me back, soon pulling away.

"You looked so peaceful" I said.

She rolled her eyes and completely pulled away, turning herself around. I furrow my eyebrows as I grab her wrist, pulling her back to me. "Stop with the attitude" I say sternly.

She looks up at me like a child that's being scolded and I can't help but feel wrong. She does this every time I break her out of her spoiled act. It's been weeks now, she should know that I am not going to let her get away with it.

"I'm sorry" she says. Her voice is soft and of regret, just as it needs to be.


He nods and looks down at me. "You want to make it up to me?".

I breathe in as I look at the man before me. I can tell by the look in his eyes that he wants me to do something for him. "Yes" I almost whisper.

Without saying anything, he places his hand at the top of my head. His hand is soft yet firm as he pushes me. He instantly makes me drop to my knees. I bring my gaze to his, seeing that he is standing there, waiting for me to do something.

I wait a few seconds for a definitive command, but once I notice I'm not getting one I use my common sense. I place my hand at the buckle of his belt and he nods. That's the definitive command, or at least it's the closest I'll get to one.

Once his belt is undone, I unbutton his pants. I can already tell by the bulge in his underwear that he is somewhat prepared for me to take him.

His pants come loose and I pull them down. I gently grab his member with my hand and look up at him as I bring my mouth closer. I don't mind being on my knees for him. He wants me to be submissive, and that's what I am.

I lick my tongue around the tip, tasting his sweet precum. Although I heard that this usually tastes salty, his isn't too bad.

I lick until the taste goes away, then put my whole mouth over the top. My mouth has never been used to something this big going inside, so it takes me a few seconds to adjust to him. As my mouth grows bored, I go down a bit further, only being able to take about one fourth of him.

I put my hand over what I can't fit and slowly jerk him as I move my tongue around. I've never been on my knees for any man, so I'm not even sure how to do this.

He grabs the back of my head and attempts to move my head further. He pushes down too far and I start to gag. I catch myself before my breakfast comes up and look up at him. "I can't-"

"Shut up. I didn't ask" he demands.

I stop talking and put my mouth back over him. He grabs the top of my head and pulls me further. My mouth can only fit around half this time, and he leaves it there.

"Mhum. Good job."

He praises me and I mentally think that I'll cum. It feels so good to know that what I'm doing is appreciated. I move my mouth quicker and my hand starts to move faster.

"Okay. I think I'll cum. Just-" he stops talking and I feel his liquid invade my mouth. His substance is warm and almost makes me gag when I think about swallowing it. It's too much, and I don't think it'll sit well with my meal.

I stand up but he grabs me before I have a chance to walk away.


I shake my head and he grabs my neck. His gaze is strong but I can't bring myself to do it. I've seen sperm cells under a microscope and it creeps me out to know that there are so many swimmers just moving around.

"Diana swallow it. If you spit it I swear to god"

I open my mouth and his substance starts to drip. My tongue subconsciously pushes it out further and he squints his eyes, looking at me with despair.

I blink my eyes and he walks away from me. His tall body goes into the closet, soon coming out with something long and laced with leather in his hand.

He spanks me on my ass and I yelp. "Ow"

He hits me again, and this time twice in a row. I turn my body in attempt to get him to stop hitting the same place on my ass but he only holds the leather tool up.

"Why did you spit it?"


He hits me again and this time I sit on the bed, looking up at him. He comes closer, invading my space with his dick that seemed to grow hard in a matter of a few seconds. Is he getting turned on by this?

"I told you to swallow it. Turn around"

I bring my eyebrows together and stand up, feeling the sudden boldness. "No. You're not going to keep hitting me with that thing".

"No?" He lifts his eyebrows and tilts his head.

Oh no. What have I done?

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