Twenty nine

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I roll myself over, being faced with a sleeping Alesso. He is laying on his back with the sheet pulled over his naked body. I've always woken up after him so it surprises me a bit. I scoot closer to him and kiss him on the cheek before handling my morning routine.

I change into joggers and a big shirt before going downstairs. The guards greet me by giving me a smile, making my morning. They are always looking so mean that it frightens me sometimes. I prepared something light for Alesso and I. Waffles and eggs. That's what I was in the mood for.

He doesn't come down by the time I finished cooking so I go upstairs to him. "Wake up sleepy head" I said as I stood over him.

He slowly opened his eyes, soon smiling and sitting up. "Thank you, amore" he says as he grabs the plate.

I sit in front of him as I eat the last small piece of my waffle. I was eating while fixing his plate so my food is almost gone.

"We should stop by my mothers today. She's cooking dinner, it'll just be family, not extras"

His voice makes me a bit nervous but I don't show it. Mother's always know, she'll know within a few minutes of me being there.

"Okay...but I don't want to tell anyone...about my pregnancy"

He slows his chewing down and cocks his eyebrow. "Are you ashamed?"

A bit.

"It's just early and we don't know what will happen. So many things happen during the early stages of pregnancy and I'll hate to have to break the news that I've lost it"

He nods and continues to eat his food, looking a bit bummed about me not wanting to tell anyone yet.


The ride to Alesso's mother house was more nerve racking than the first time. I can just feel that she'll know, or that I'll act weird around her. Even though there is a possibility that I was pregnant when I met her the first time, I didn't know so I didn't act weird.

Alesso and I both exit the sprinter, walking up to the door of his parents house. I can hear the very faint sound of music that only grows louder once she opens the door.

She is beautifully dressed in a red dress. The dress is loose fitted, and her heels are amazing. Her shoes have a strap that goes up her legs and her red toes add to her whole look. Her hair is curly and she has a smile on her face.

"Oh come in, Bella. So good to see you again"


She didn't even address Alesso, moving to bring me into a hug. Her hands wrapped around me and I did the same to her, embracing her delicious smell.

"It's nice to see you again" I smile as we both let go at the same time.

She takes my hand and starts to pull me into the house, leaving me to give Alesso a nervous smile. He only shrugs giving me the same smile, giving me no assurance that I'll be fine.

"I have so many new pictures to show you. Alesso had the cutest bum" she smiled.

It was as if she already knew. She had only showed me by hand one picture of Alesso when he was younger, and the rest I had seen on my own from looking at the pictures in the living room. She pulls me to sit down on the couch and hands me a baby book, flipping to a specific page.

"Those eyes have always been grey. So cute" she smiles as she looks down at the same picture I'm looking at.

I look down at a one year old Alesso, seeing him dressed inside some yellow onesie. It looks to be of a soft fabric and he is outside in the grass. His face is all muddy and I believe that he had just eaten some. His yellow hat hides his head so I can't see his hair.

"I still have this. Saved it, plan to give it to his first"

I nervously smile as I nod my head, looking up at her. She doesn't even look at me, flipping to the next page.

"And here is- I'm coming, Ballismo" she yells to Alesso's father who had just called her name.


She takes the book and grabs my hand, leading me to the dining room where everyone else was. There are only two empty seats. Near Giuseppe, and near Alesso.

Catherine walks to take the seat near her husband as I make my way near Alesso. He scoots his chair back and pulls my chair out for me, giving me room to sit. I sit down and he soon sits back down, pulling his hand over to my thigh.

I look at him and he cocks his eyebrow. "You okay?"

I nod and smile and I look back down, soon looking at the butler who comes around with a bottle of wine in his hand.


My palms start to sweat as he pops it open. He goes one by one, pouring wine into the glasses. I can see the look on Diana's face that makes me feel a wave of shock through my body for some reason. She can't hide her emotions for nothing in the world and a blind person could tell that she's hiding something.

I look at the bottle seeing that it is one my mother has had for many years. How could someone refuse any of if?

The man comes around to Diana and she puts her hand over her glass, stopping him.

"No wine"

Her voice is small and it makes the man hold his ear closer to her, seeming to not hear what she had said.

"No wine, please" she raises her voice a bit but she's still quiet.

"There's scotch, Hennessy, vodka. Would you like a shot of anything?" He asks.

"No, I'm okay" she smiles.

The man nods and comes to pour wine in my glass. The wine smells delicious and I just know that it tastes great.

"Are you sure, Bella? The wine has been in the family for years, a classic" my mother said, looking over at Diana.

Diana shook her head and smiled.

My mother took a sip and widened her eyes. The wine must taste really good.

The room went quiet for a moment and I could feel someone's eyes burning into my skin. As I looked up again, I saw my mother glance at me.

She knows


She knows

Catherine takes her gaze away from Alesso and looks at me. I can feel the nervous tension building and it makes my breathing hitch. My palms start to feel sweaty. She gives me a small raise of the eyebrow before brushing her eyes sight over Alesso then looking over at Frances.

"You say you have a girlfriend, when will we meet her?" She asks.

I am lucky that she changes the subject but I know that she knows I am pregnant.

I knew she would.

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