Forty five

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"This dress feels so tight. I'll never wear anything else like this again. I don't know how the women back then did this" I said as I walked in front of Alesso, going up the stairs. He held the back of my dress, relieving me of the weight.

"Well it's a good thing you're here now so you can take it off" Alesso said as he pushed his room door open. I breathed in as I looked at the familiar space.

His black comforter looked so nice and soft. I adored that he had silk sheets. I miss the way they felt under my skin.

We both entered the room, and he immediately started to help me take off the dress. He stood behind me as I stood in front of his mirror, pulling the pins from my hair so it could fall.

"You didn't have anyone here, right? I mean we were broken up and it's fine if you did, I just want to know because- well because I am still a bit hurt. You cheated on me" I said.

I widened my eyes to keep myself from tearing up, but it didn't work. My heart clenched as I spoke, making me remember the pain I went through. I thought I was okay, but I wasn't.

He sighed.

"No, amore. I did not have anyone here, and I won't have anyone here. I can't lose you"

I swallowed as I looked down at my fingers, starting to fiddle with them. No matter how much I wanted to, I couldn't stop my chest from aching.

"I've never been cheated on before. All of my partners have seemed to respect me in that way if anything else" I said.

He looked up from my dress as he spread it, letting it fall from my arms. He sighed again and looked into my eyes. I looked down and sniffled a bit. My feeling were hurt.

"Was I not good enough for you? I mean was I not worth waiting for? I lost our baby. I would have waited for you if the shoe was on the other foot. A thousand percent" I turned around, seeing that his eyes became red.

He doesn't get to cry. Not while I am hurting. I think it's just the fact that I wasn't respected enough. That has to be the most inconsiderable act he's done so far. It still pains me.

"I know you would." He let out a quick breath and shook his head. "I'm just not used to- and I know it doesn't excuse my actions, but I'm used to so many women, amore. I've luckily found you and I don't need them anymore but I didn't understand it because I've always had you since I met you. My actions have proved to me that what I need is not the whores that fall to my feet. I need you. You are the only woman I ever want, there will be no one after you. I will never even look at another woman again if it means that I can't have you, I promise. I can't lose you Diana"

"Then why did you do it?" I sniffled.

"I don't know. I can't give you a answer. I should have been man enough to tell you, but I wasn't, and I regret everything I've done. She was the only one, I can promise you that, and she didn't even get to touch me. It didn't feel right, I felt too guilty, and I wasn't getting turned on. You're the only woman that gets me. You're the one for me, Diana"

"I hope so" I nodded, soon sniffling again. "But your sorries won't make me feel better. I have to get even" I said as I brung my hand up to wipe my nose.

"Even?" He asked.

"Mhum. I need a man to come here and eat my pussy, and you have to watch" I said, receiving a scoff from him. "You have to feel the pain I felt, then I'll let it go and never bring it up".

"Diana she didn't even get to touch me. She sat on the bed and slid her underwear off. I didn't get a glimpse of her pussy, or anything I swear. Letting a man come here and do that is ridiculous" he shook his head.

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