Thirty eight

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I fixed my tits in my dress as I stood in front of the mirror. The time was now seven o clock and I was just getting finished with getting ready, making the final touches. I learned that Alesso likes to wear black, which was the attire for tonight. Although it was a bit cold tonight, I still decided to wear a dress with two slits, one on each side. The slits stopped at my upper leg, showing my whole leg. The piece in the middle kept my center from showing.

I made sure to smell good, using perfume I had gotten from a store a while back. When I stayed in Alesso's guest room, I sort of made it into my room. Most of my girly things were here, which is why I'm getting dressed in here in the first place. My brush was in here, which is what I needed most. I brushed my hair down, letting the long strands flow down my back.

"Okay. I think everything is fine- no my hair clamp" I said to myself. I remember leaving it here the last time I slept here, but I don't remember where. I looked around the room until I walked to the bed. I probably had it on one day and it fell out during sleep.

I pulled the cover back, seeing a pair of underwear. Women's underwear. It was orange, laced. I got closer, trying to make sure I saw exactly what I was seeing. Yep, women's underwear, and they weren't mines.

I know they aren't old because I've slept here many times. He's had to have someone here and the slut forgot to take what she came with.

It infuriates me to know that he's slept with someone else. He touched her the way he touched me. Circling his fingers around her skin. Kissing her neck. Touching her face and hair. Fucking her however she likes it. She's touched him in a way I thought only I had the right to. I guess not.

Just as I pull the cover back over, he enters the room with a smirk on his face. "Ready, bambina?"


I hold my head up high as I walk past him, going down the stairs.


Diana hasn't spoken to me the whole ride here and it has me on edge. My small jokes that she usually bursts into laughter at aren't making her smile one bit. She scooted towards the window and watched the streets as we rode through the city.

I tried to grab her hand once we exited the sprinter but she wouldn't let me, leaving me to touch the small of her back as we walked inside.

She stood beside me with her small clutch in one hand, and her phone in the other as we waited for the host to address us. The man looked up and welcomed us.

"Reservation for Curaso. The others are here already, we're the last to come" I said.

The man nodded and walked away from the register, leading us to the table where both of our parents sat. Benjamin and Frances joined, it was like a small family fathering. Both of our families clashing together.

"There they are, we were waiting to see the Bellissima and Bellissimo" my mother smiled, picking up her glass of wine. I'm guessing they got themselves situated before we arrived.

"So nice to see you again, you look beautiful" Diana smiled as I pulled her chair out for her. This is the first smile I've seen her make in the past half hour. She walks in front of the chair and scoots it up herself, pulling it aggressively.

"I could say the same to you too. I love the dress, where did you get it? It's stunning nuora"

(Daughter in law)

Diana smiles and looks down at herself. "I'm not sure. Father?" She looks to Gabriel and he's already smiling.

"It was a gift from one of my wife's friend. She owns a little shop down the road, Perry's"

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