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"Vinnie!" I squealed and rushed to hug him, "I've missed you too much."

He chuckled and hugged me back, "I've missed you, Sofia. It's good to have you back."

I pulled back from the hug, beaming with joy in the room filled mostly with faces I had seen once or twice working at Capra Corp. Most important to me was that Ben, Mr Capra Sr, Maggie, Billy and Vinnie were here.

I had been right to assume Mr Capra Sr would plan a welcome home -party in my honour. He was an extravagant man, who loved more than anything to be in any kind of social events.

With black leggings and a knitted sweater I had entered a room of people dressed in evening wear. I doubt many even knew who I was, but I didn't mind one bit.

"Sorry about all this, you know what he's like.." Ben arrived next to me, hand placing itself on my lower back. He nodded over at his father and Billy, chatting with a few politicians in the middle of Ben's living room.

"No, no," I shook my head, "I love it! And I love this apartment!"

Ben had bought the apartment he had taken me to see. I was still unclear as to if I would permanently be living here, even when he was very persistent about it.

"I know you hate the design," he shot me a sneaky grin, voice lowering, "I'll let you talk it over with the designer, fix the place up."

"Ben, I think it looks fantastic! It's so modern, it fits you perfectly," I assured him, obliviously leaning closer to the warmth of his body.

"It needs to fit us perfectly," he inched closer, "I trust your style, if your choice with gowns is anything to go by."

"What is he doing here?" Vinnie muttered, eyes narrowing at someone behind us. I saw his hand place on the gun under his suit jacket on his side, and immediately grew nervous.

Ben was the first to glance at who had just walked in to the living room.

"I invited him," he told Vinnie, who then lowered his hand back to his side but didn't lose the threatening expression, "no threat."

I turned to see Tony looking around the room with a bouquet of yellow roses.

"Tony!" I waved excitedly, catching his attention. When he noticed me he smiled and made his way over to us.

Ben's arm wrapped around my waist when Tony introduced himself to Vinnie, before hugging me.

"Fantastic to see you again," he gave me a warm smile, "I hope you're ready to be worked to the bone."

I giggled, "always."

"Nice flowers," Ben spoke coldly, not having said anything else to Tony. I saw Ben looking much more threatening than normal, really needing to be the Alpha male in the room.

"Yellow for friendship," Tony told me, offering a smile, "I know this will be a great new start for us, all of us."

I knew he felt uncomfortable in the presence of Ben Capra, which only made me appreciate him more for actually coming here to see me. I also appreciated Ben to the ends of the Earth for inviting Tony, despite the past and his distaste for my ex and new boss.

"Thank you so much, they're lovely," I accepted the bouquet and hugged him again as thank you.

"My pleasure," Tony cleared his throat and straightened his tie, before looking at Ben beside me, "and thank you for the invite, Mr Capra."

Ben didn't reply, only gave him a nod in recognition. I discreetly nudged him, telling him to be nice.

"I understand you have a busy schedule," Ben finally spoke, "it means a lot to her that you made it."

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