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Without any kind of degree, acquiring a position with pay similar to the one I now had was impossible, to say the least. 

I had sent my résumé to a few local bars and such, hoping I could find something with my job experience working for Capra Corp.

From: Tony: I support you fully, babe x You can always come work for me.

To: Tony: I wouldn't feel comfortable working for you, you know that. But thank you x

From: Tony: Come over tonight x

To: Tony: I'm working, sorry...

From: Tony: Brunch, then?x

To: Tony: I'll text you when I get back home, okay? x

I turned my phone on silent and slipped it into the small clutch I had with me.

I was nervous. Mr Horan was one of the few people Mr Capra Sr had made sure never to let me get involved with for the sake of my safety and wellbeing. His arrogant son was clearly not as empathetic or caring.

"You'll be fine, Sofia," James, the driver, assured me.

I sighed and slumped back against my seat in the back of the car, casting him a small smile through the driver's mirror.

"I know." I couldn't be sure that I would though, and that scared me most.

I had told Mr Capra Sr about what his son had assigned me to do tonight, but his reply had yet to come. I knew he would be angry as my safety was not being taken into consideration.

I arrived at Les Rois and took a few deep breaths to gather myself.

I had been in this position countless times before, but never with someone like Mr Horan. The Capra Corp at least had a good cover up for their illegal mafia business, but with Mr Horan, he didn't bother. He acted as if he was above the law and untouchable. Nobody dared to, anyway, except apparently Mr Capra Jr.

James wished me good luck, before the door was opened for me and entered the cold night.

I was very much stuck in my own head as I made my way inside the restaurant. I was led to a table I used very regularly with occasions like this at work, where I could now see Mr Horan waiting in the dim lighting.

His blue eyes lifted to meet mine, before a perverted grin formed onto his lips when he took in my appearance.

He stood up to greet me and somehow I managed to seem more under control and calm than ever.

"You must be Jade," he kissed the side of my face as we leaned closer for a small hug. The smell of too much aftershave and sweat stung my senses. I covered up my disgusted shudder with a smile.

"I am," I told him seductively, knowing it couldn't be too hard to excite a man like him.

Jade was the name I used with all these men, since giving my real name made it all too personal. I was here to give them a show, make them fall in love with me for the evening so I could get what my boss wanted.

"I'm Winston. My God, you are delicious," he took a step back to run his eyes over my front again.

My unwavering smile grew all the more forced. I inched closer, not wanting to let him just creep over me as he seemed so comfortable doing.

"You flatter me," I flirtatiously brushed along his arm and slowly let my hand move down until I had moved delicately against his.

His eyes met mine and he grinned, very pleased.

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