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"Don't go yet," I tugged him back in from his hand for another kiss.

"I have to," he grinned against my lips, already stepping out of my front door, "I'm already two hours behind schedule."

We had spent a very relaxing day together, before he now left in the late afternoon. After I had given him a full body massage and he had - to his best abilities - attempted to return it, we had gone on a long walk in the forest behind my house, followed by a few rounds of a much more energetic activity back in my bed.

I was only wearing a pair of panties and his dress shirt loosely fitting on my body with only a few buttons very carelessly buttoned to keep it somewhat closed.

Ben had had an overnight bag incase he had had to stay at a hotel on his way back from my house on Saturday, and was now wearing sweats and a tee shirt.

"You're the boss, can't you stay for one more day?" I pleaded, half jokingly, of course.

He chuckled and kissed me again, "you're cute, Sofia. I'll come back next weekend, if it's okay with you?"

I nodded, before cupping his jaw and kissing him much more passionately than before, "don't forget me."

Ben pulled away to laugh, "how could I ever? We need to start calling or FaceTiming daily, or whatever you like."

Still not letting go of his hand, I sighed and nodded, not feeling happy that he was leaving.

I knew that it was just four days until I'd see him next, but these few days with him had been the happiest I'd been in a long time. We had fixed our relationship, talked things through and confessed our love for one another. All I wanted to do was—

"I just want to tie you up in my bed and not let you leave," I had to tell him, giggling to myself.

His expression amused me more, his side already facing me as he was more than ready to leave, "next time."

My brows raised, calming down as I hadn't expected him to say that, "wait, really? Do you promise?"

Ben shook his head at himself, "I promise. I'm way too whipped, I need to go before I start promising anything else."

I squealed and kissed him again, "you won't regret it."

Once I pulled back I calmed down and just took him in. I could tell he was debating something in his mind, but had no idea what it was until he spoke.

"Come with me."


He shrugged with a light grin, "come with me to the city. Stay at mine. I'll take you out on a date to that restaurant you like."

"How do you know which restaurant I like?" I was amused and confused at the same time, but had already mentally decided that I would go with him.

Since my weeks were mostly free and however much it was going against our agreement to go slow, I wanted to spend as much time with him as possible.

Ben reminded, "you had reserved a table for you and Tony that one time, but he cancelled. We went there and it wasn't half bad."

My eyes widened and brows raised in realisation, smiling as he had remembered and came to the correct conclusion.

"You in?" He grinned at the excitement I was showing, way too giddy for my own good right now.

"I need to change and pack," I told him, forcing myself to calm down as I continued to squeeze his hand in mine, "are you sure it's okay? You're already late and—"

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