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"Shit, shit, shit..." I cursed.

I quickly took the sauce pan off the stove, realising I had let it burn. My bolognese sauce was completely ruined and Ben would be here any minute now.

I had left the kitchen to slip into a red cocktail dress, tight in all the right places and perfect for an intimate evening.

All traces of us going slow had gone out the window in my mind the moment he had asked me to come with him to the city, and I wasn't afraid of going a little faster in certain areas of us.

I threw the burnt sauce away and quickly began chopping up onion, carrot and garlic to somehow salvage the situation. Just as I had got all the ingredients for the sauce ready on the sauce pan on the stove, I heard the front door of his apartment open.

I quickly smoothed down my dress and made sure my hair looked alright, also having just enough time to take the heat off the stove on which I had the pasta cooking before Ben appeared in the doorway.

"Hi," I sounded completely breathless, panicking as I didn't want to have anything get ruined tonight but mostly because he completely floored me looking so incredibly sexy with his hair carelessly brushed back and his casual dark suit fitting his body too well.

"Hey, is everything alright?" He sent me a quick smile before scanning his kitchen, "you haven't burnt down my apartment, which of course I knew you wouldn't do... why does smell a little funny in here?"

I let out a small laugh, mostly in relief that I had made it this far, "everything's fine. The sauce just burnt a bit, nothing too bad."

"Ah, okay," he nodded, focusing back on me. I wanted to squeeze my thighs together when he began nearing me while unbuttoning the first few buttons of his dress shirt, finding him way too attractive for my own good right now.

"You look stunning," Ben made me forget how to breathe for a short second as he stood in front of me with a ghost of a smile on his lips and his hand reaching to rest against my waist.

"Thank you," I managed out, not understanding why I now felt like this. It even felt like I was blushing, and I had no idea why my body was reacting to him like this all of a sudden.

"Did you have a good day?" He wondered, glancing behind me to see what was happening on one of the stoves in the kitchen.

"Yes, I went to see your father and Tony. I also walked around the city," I cleared my throat in hopes of gathering myself, "it feels good to be back."

Ben's dark and intense gaze returned to meet mine, "it feels good to have you back."

"I think I have a weird kink," I had to admit nervously, quickly glancing down at the front of my dress to make sure it hadn't got any stains from the tragic sauce.

"Another one?" Ben laughed with amusement, our eyes meeting again, "tell me. It can't be as bad as wanting to tie me up, can it?"

I breathed out a breath I hadn't realised I'd been holding and managed to give him a small smile with a shake of my head, "it's not bad, just a little bit weird."

"Now I'm excited," he grinned, his other hand finding its way to rest on my waist as well.

Then I remembered the new sauce I had made, and that I needed to stir it. A strangled cry left my lips as I rushed back to the stove, leaving Ben with a very confused expression.

"Sorry, just... the sauce," I apologised awkwardly, really not understanding why I was so aroused due to this situation. I thought telling him would clear it up, but it sounded so stupid in my head I feared he'd only laugh.

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