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To: Mr Capra: I'm beyond annoyed, once again the interview went fantastic but it turns out they're suddenly not hiring anymore.. such bullshit.

From: Mr Capra: I'm sorry, doll. You'll find something. Are you on the jet now?

To: Mr Capra: I guess... and yep, I am. It feels strange being here without you.

From: Mr Capra: I'm sure :-) Tell Ben I say hi.

I looked up from the screen of my new phone at Ben, who was sitting opposite me on the couches at the sides of the jet.

I felt hot all of a sudden, since his dark gaze had been trained on me before I had even looked up at him.

He was yet again wearing a dark suit, his body very tensed up and delicious looking. Gosh, I really needed to calm down.

"Your father says hi," I squeaked out, and cleared my throat immediately after.

Not bothering to hide the fact that he had been watching me, Ben nodded and continued.

I forced myself to look down at the texts, trying to think of anything but his stunning dark eyes on me.

To: Mr Capra: He nodded in reply..

From: Mr Capra: Typical. I've got to go now, I have a date!

To: Mr Capra: Ahh, so exciting! Tell me everything after!!

From: Mr Capra: Totally. Stay safe, Sofia.

I smiled to myself and slipped my phone onto the empty couch beside me. I breathed out a small sigh and turned to look out of the window at the setting sun.

"It's getting late," I spoke up, aware that only Ben Capra and I were in the main area of the jet, and that silence wasn't really my kind of thing.

I met his gaze and offered him a small smile, hoping he'd relax. His naturally slightly furrowed brows made him look more threatening than he really was, I had come to realise.

Again, he gave me a simple nod in recognition and checked the time from the expensive watch on his wrist.

"You'll need to change here so you can go straight to meet Ryan Ford," he told me.

I had pushed back the strange encounter I'd had with him this morning in his office, believing there was no way he could know. His father would never have told him.

I tried to make small talk a bit more, but since he seemed to not feel it too much, I decided to just go change into the gown I had for tonight.

Ryan Ford was a relatively well-known businessman, residing in Brussels. His funding was competing with Capra Corps', when it came to supplying the European Union.

Of course, these were all kept under wraps. It wouldn't be good for people to begin finding out that Capra Corp has people everywhere, running everybody's lives without anyone suspecting anything.

I changed quickly in the bedroom at the back of the jet into the burgundy Balmain gown I had brought for tonight. It was sleek and simple, extenuating my curves. I couldn't wear a bra with its plunging v-neck, and knew tonight with Mr Ford would go fine. He was like all men; ready to drool over whatever skin I showed.

"When are we landing?" I made my way back into the main area of the jet, where Ben Capra was holding a glass of champagne and scrolling down his phone.

I had my heels in my hand as I situated myself in the seat I had had opposite him on the beige leather couch.

He looked up at me, and something flashed in his eyes when he took me in. He didn't bother hiding his attraction towards me, which immediately made me feel hotter than before.

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