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"Mr Capra!" I cried and rushed into the guarded room he was staying in at the hospital.

It seemed like he had just woken up, clad in a light blue hospital shirt and sweatpants. His eyes squinted at me, extremely confused.

"What—" he barely had time to process anything, as I leaned over his bed and hugged him tightly.

I sniffled and squeezed him tighter, hearing as he groaned quietly.

"It's too early for this, doll," his voice definitely resonated how he'd just woken up.

"Are you okay? What happened?" I pulled back and carefully placed my hands on the sides of his face to study each of his feature.

Mr Capra Sr. shrugged to shake off my hands, only for him to rub his eyes and yawn.

"Father," I heard Ben clear his throat from behind me. I glanced back to see he had finally arrived after me. He had walked while I had ran.

"Jesus, you're both here?" Mr Capra Sr laughed tiredly to himself, "as much as I'd love to, I'm not feeling up for an early morning... what time is it?"

"Six," Ben cleared his throat as his father shifted to sit up a little.

"In the morning? Have you two gone absolutely mad?" He began shaking his head at us, "and what are you wearing? Sofia, is that Balmain?"

I straightened up and quickly looked down at the evening gown I still had on, "yes..."

"It's sweet of you to rush here, from Brussels, I presume? I'm alive, but I do need more sleep," he offered me a small smile, and I frowned.

"I'm so scared," I admitted almost in a whisper, leaning closer to Mr Capra Sr, "I don't want you to- for you to..."

I shook my head, unable to even say it out loud.

"I'm fine, my darling girl," he chuckled and reached for my hand, "go get some sleep, you look knackered."

"I'm worried for you," I told him again, quietly even though I knew Ben was hearing everything from beside me.

"I'll be fine, Sofia," he assured me with a smile, but I could see in his eyes how he knew my concerns were true, "come see me later today, once we've both slept properly, alright?"

"Alright," I agreed with a small breath, exhaustion of having been up for almost 24h hitting me.

I felt Ben's hard brush against my lower back, "let's go, sweetheart."

Mr Capra Sr.'s eyes moved between the two of us, before he smiled knowingly.

"You two go, let me sleep," he lightheartedly told us, clearly not wanting us to worry. He should know by now though, that I would worry.

Everything felt like a blur after that. Ben led me to his car, both of us silent.

I drowned myself in my thoughts, not liking how Mr Capra Sr wasn't being as open about his situation with me as I would have wanted. He didn't want to concern me too much, but that only concerned me more.

As soon as Ben had helped me into the passenger's side of his car, I fell asleep, utterly exhausted mentally and physically.


I woke up thanks to the sun shining right at me. I groaned quietly and flipped onto my back to further wake myself up.

Events of the last few days began entering my mind, and I breathed out shakily. There was something between Ben and I, and Mr Capra Sr was in the hospital for a second time in a much too short span of time.

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