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Ben's hair felt incredibly soft as my fingers ran through it a couple of times.

His hold on my waist was bordering on rough, holding me down against him very firmly. The way he now kissed was far from gentle as well. We were both needy, minds clouded by pure lust.

"I'm dirty," I mumbled against his lips, praying I would gather enough self-restraint to hold back before we went too far.

"I bet you are, sweetheart," a wicked grin tugged at his glistening lips, before he began trailing them down toward my neck.

I brought my hands to his chest and pushed, distancing myself from him as I leaned backwards a little. This caused him to pull back enough to find my eyes.

His dark eyes sent a wave of arousal down to my core, and I fought the urge to just throw him down onto the couch and recreate a few of my dirty fantasies.

I gave Ben a small smile and shook my head, "that's not what I meant... I meant I haven't had a proper shower since Brussels... I feel disgusting."

"Alright," he cleared his throat after processing what I'd told him, "I really don't care, Sofia, you seem fine to me."

I shook my head, "I don't feel fine. Do you think— would you mind if I took a quick shower here?"

Ben blinked slowly, my request sounding almost strange to both of us. It felt way too casual and comfortable all of a sudden.

"Can I join you?" He suddenly blurted out, surprising us both.

My eyes widened and brows raised, "uh..."

Seeming to sense my answer would be negative, Ben chuckled to himself and shook his head uncomfortably.

"Sorry, that wasn't appropriate..."

I offered him a small and soft smile, relaxing once more on his lap. My heart rate increased further from the deep sense of intimacy that suddenly surged between us.

"Not much about all this is appropriate, though," I told him quietly, not making any kind of move to get off and head towards a bathroom.

"You're right," his attention shifted to where he carefully brushed a strand of my hair behind my ear.

I was completely under his spell yet again. He tried to lean in to kiss me again, but I shook some sense into myself and cleared my throat.

"I should go take that shower," I glanced down at our laps for a short second, before very unwillingly getting up from his lap.

I straightened the clothes of his that I was wearing, while he took me in carefully.

"I'll bring you fresh clothes, I just need to get this email sent," he flashed me a boyish grin before grabbing his laptop from the coffee table.

I laughed quietly and nodded, before heading back to where his bedroom was.

My mind was still racing, along with my heart. I wanted something to happen as soon as possible, because I was growing too sexually frustrated with him.


"Who's her boyfriend?" I pinched the bridge of my nose, trying to keep my voice down incase Sofia heard.

It was unlikely, though, because I could hear her faintly singing in the shower. Some tune I had never heard before, but the way she sung it sounded nice.

"They have an open relationship, son..." my father sighed on the other end, as if able to read my mind, "you're not to cause any harm to—"

"To who?" I pressed, for some reason just needing to know, "you might as well tell me, I'll find out either way."

There was a short pause on his end, before came the answer I had been desperately waiting for.

"His name is Tony," my father told me, sounding a little defeated.

"Tony who?" I needed to know who this guy was.

"Tony Prince."

I fell completely silent and my heart fell down into my stomach. Sofia was together with Tony bloody Prince. This was the shit storm of all shit storms.

I felt conflicted all over again, and ran a hand through my hair in frustration.

"Fuck," I muttered and hung up the call. I ran my hands over my face and contemplated on what I was now to do.

I needed to get rid of him in the business world, but now it was further motivated by the fact that he was with the one woman I truly wanted and needed in this world.

Fuck. She couldn't be working for him, could she? She couldn't be helping him and his business by working for mine - previously my father's - could she?

The shower turned off and her singing grew to a softer hum, which I could barely hear.

I remembered I had told her I'd bring her new clothes, and forced myself to stop over-thinking about Tony Prince and her.

I got up and cleared my throat. I made my way toward my bedroom.

My steps slowed down when my eyes landed on Sofia, small droplets of water on her tan skin, trickling down between her breasts which were unfortunately covered up my a white towel wrapped around her body.

"Oh, hey," she sounded breathless and a little surprised to see me, as her steps halted abruptly and humming stopped.

Her makeup was washed away, and I had never seen more of a wonderful sight. She looked natural and heart-achingly stunning. My cock twitched in my pants.

"The... the clothes, I'll go get them for you..." my mind in a completely different place, I mumbled out a few words and motioned with my hands that I would be heading toward the closet at the other end of the bedroom.

An amused and girly smile formed onto her lips, before I forced myself to look away from her. I took two steps toward the closet, but her voice stopped me.

"Ben," she sounded sultry, so bloody sultry.

I clenched my fists, trying to keep control of myself and the situation.

"Yes?" I glanced back, only to find her still smiling to herself.

As Sofia hadn't replied, I began turning back to face her slowly. Once I was facing her again, she dropped her towel.

"I think I'll be fine," she mused, inching closer to me.

"I don't think I will..." I replied, my voice having lowered noticeably with lust, her goddess-like figure completely bare in front of me.

She laughed and kissed me.

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