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There was no room left in my mind for any coherent or rational thoughts.

The way his hands gripped my hips and hard front pushed against mine made wild thoughts surface and my core to clench impossibly.

I knew I should push him off and go with the small part of me that still thought realistically about all this, but I couldn't. I wasn't mentally strong enough to stop this.

A low groan left his lips and into our kiss when I tugged at the roots of his hair. This was passionate, hungry and hot.

"Ben..." I breathed out heavily, only receiving a moment to breath through my mouth before he kissed me harder.

I could feel his fingers digging into my hips, but the pain was pushed away by the immense pleasure of his lips moulding perfectly against mine.

This was unlike I'd ever felt before. As amazing as the kiss on the jet had been, it couldn't even be compared this. We now had nowhere to go, nowhere to be. It was just the two of us, completely isolated from the world for tonight.

Pulling my chest even more against his, Ben slid his hands along my curves and to my back, where he then tugged at the zipper of my dress.

"No," I murmured quietly into the kiss, shaking my head briefly before returning my hands to cup his jaw. His light designer stubble felt rough underneath the tips of my fingers and tickled as it brushed against my chin, and I loved it.

"Please," his lips began trailing down, leaving hot and open-mouthed kisses along my jaw and neck.

A soft moan rolled over my lips. I let my head fall back against the wall, and my eyes slid shut in pleasure. My toes curled when he sucked lightly against my sensitive skin. I was beyond aroused.

I could feel his arousal as well, hardening and bucking against my thigh. It was as if we were both so lost in each other, caught in the moment.

"Ben," sense hit me, and I brought my hands to push at his chest.

His lips left my skin and he pulled back just enough to be able to find my eyes with his incredibly dark ones. Heat pooled at my core at the sight of him; his hair messy due to my fingers having tugged it, his glistening lips plump.

"What?" I almost lost it at the sound of his voice. It was rough and raspy, a hint of it seeming so dazed.

Ben's hands slowly slid back to my waist, not taking any kind of step back from me, and instead continued to keep me pushed up against the wall.

"God, you're beautiful," an uneven breath left his lips as he took me in, his dark eyes searching my face, not waiting for what I had to say.

A soft smile tugged at the sides of my lips, my heart not having calmed down once since he kissed me.

"Is this a good idea?" I asked him gently, wanting him to think this over rationally before we went further, "you were just offering to pay me for sex... we haven't talked everything through..."

"You don't want this?" His dark brows were slowly furrowing, his lips mere inches from mine.

"I do," I shook my head, him being so close to me jumbling up my mind completely, "just... I don't know."

I felt the pressure of his front on mine slowly lessening, only to realise he was inching away from me.

"It's a yes or a no, Sofia," he cleared his throat and took a small step back, gathering himself.

I sighed, my core aching for him but at the same time knowing this wasn't a good idea. I had no idea what was going on. He had hurt me just half an hour ago and now here I was, kissing him. This was too confusing.

My phone rang suddenly.

I breathed out a small sigh of relief, as it saved me from having to reply.

I slipped away from between Ben and the wall, avoiding his dark and intense eyes. I heard him huff out, before turning toward me as I scrambled for my phone.

I fished it out of my purse and answered breathlessly, just then meeting Ben's gaze and feeling like I'd just ran a marathon.

He ran a hand through his hair and raised his brows at me, knowing exactly what he was making me feel and using to get an answer from me.

The voice on the other end of the call was unfamiliar, but what it said made my heart drop to my stomach.

"Mr Capra Sr. has suffered a heart attack. He's in the hospital."

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