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Hi lovelies !!

I'm going to start making the plot of this book semi fast tempo-ed. Just a warning incase some don't like that or were expecting something else.

Ps. I hope you're liking this so far, I still have no idea where I'm actually going w this story, but we'll see haha! Comments and likes are greatly appreciated; they're v motivating ;)

Much love, enjoy xx

I had had a wonderful time last night with Ben.

He had shown me around town, telling me all kinds of stories of him and his friends when they'd been teens.

I liked him even more now that he seemed relaxed and otherwise carefree. He had a nice sense of humour and made me laugh more than I had laughed in a while.

We had taken the metro back to where our hotel was in the early morning hours. He had politely walked me to the door of my room, inside where my suitcases had been brought to.

I had been hoping to kiss him, under the influence of drinks I'd had that evening, but in a very gentlemanly manner, Ben wished me goodnight and to call or text him if I remembered anything else of what Mr Ford had spilled to me, or needed help.

I had fallen asleep with a warm and happy feeling, not wanting to remove this version of Ben Capra from my mind.


I had ordered room service for breakfast, and spent most of the day alone.

I hadn't heard a peep from Ben, but assumed he was busy with work, before, as usual, he'd chaperone me to the dinner with the client I had tonight.

The client had been left nameless, but I couldn't believe it'd be anyone too dangerous. Again, I'd just have dinner, since our jet was leaving back home early tomorrow.

Instead of leaving tonight, Ben had extended our stay. I completely understood, after hearing what the city of Brussels really meant to him.

It made me feel good that he had told me in the first place, and almost made me forget how he'd acted in his office before we travelled here.


"Ben, what are you..."

My steps slowed down as I neared the table I had been directed to after arriving at the restaurant.

I was here to see my second client of this short trip, but instead found Ben sitting at the table.

He was wearing his classic dark suit, beautifully fitting in with the dim setting of the restaurant where I had expected to meet a much older businessman.

He cleared his throat and stood up to greet me, "hello, Sofia."

"What's going on?" A small and confused laugh left my lips. I looked around, and found that we were very secluded.

The more relaxed side of him that I had received a glance into last night was gone completely, instead replaced by his cold and hard exterior.

"Have a seat," he politely pulled the chair back at the small round table, dark gaze focused intently on my every move.

I awkwardly did as he had requested, not understanding why he was here. Ben hadn't interfered with my meetings since Mr Horan, so it made no sense for him to now do this.

"Am I early, or?" I watched as he rounded the table and sat down opposite me. He cleared his throat again and straightened his suit coat.

"No," he replied simply, "you look beautiful."

"Thanks... what's going on?" I gave him a confused smile, getting comfortable on my seat and trying not to find his stance and gaze as arousing as I now was.

He let out a nervous laugh and glanced away for a moment.

"Ben?" I was growing more nervous by each passing second, "who's my client tonight?"


My brows furrowed and I was left speechless. Ben had to be joking. The way he then looked at me though, made me understand he was doing anything but joking about this.

"Wha..." I couldn't form a proper word, yet alone a sentence. I was gaping at him, not understanding what he was thinking.

"I'm your client. Give me the whole act, Sofia," he firmly requested, his posture seeming so tense again as his jaw tightened.

"Ben, I... I don't understand," I began to shake my head, "did the original client cancel, or—"

"There was no-one else for tonight," he was a tad frustrated now, "I want the whole experience."

"Oh, okay... listen, I—" I was stuttering over my words, not knowing how to feel about this at all.

"You can either do your job and make me happy, or keep being annoyingly naïve. Which will it be?" Ben's brows raised at me, showing me exactly how stressful this was for him as well.

If he clearly wasn't too keen to be doing this and putting me in this position, then why was he?

I knew there wasn't a way for me to get out of this. I could only make this go the easy way, how he wanted this to go, or the hard way and make this even more incredibly awkward and troubling.

"Why are you doing this?" I frowned gently. We had begun getting along so well, and I felt like this just crushed it all.

He shrugged briefly, his dark eyes firmly focused on mine, "I want to know what it's like to get seduced by you."

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