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"Sofia, wait."

I turned around to see Ben making his way towards me from the back of the jet.

With a faint smile I waited for what he was going to continue with.

We had landed a few minutes ago, and our rides were waiting on the runway. The staff were waiting in the front of the jet, hidden from our view until we left the main area.

I felt completely floored by the rumpled, sexy, suited man wearing a tired and nervous smile. In his tall, lean and muscular glory he headed towards me, dark and intense gaze never leaving my face.

As much as it made me uneasy to admit it, I liked this man. He redefined Michelangelo's idea of perfection. Screw David when there was the option of Ben Capra.

"Sofia," he spoke again, steps slowing down as he neared me more, cornering me. I was now facing him completely, the closed door behind me.

His voice had lowered. It was like smooth bourbon; so elegant and intoxicating. It warmed my body up intensely, and I shifted on my feet as my smile faltered.

He was getting too close for this to be appropriate.

Before either of us could say another word, our lips met in hungry kiss, bordering on one full of passion and intense need for the relief from tensions that had been building.

For that moment, all the walls came down and a beautiful surge of intimacy washed between us.

I grabbed the collar of his dress shirt while his hands almost hesitantly moved to my hips. His hold on me tightened when he realised I wasn't going to push him off me.

"Ben..." I breathed out, my whole body buzzing with excitement.

A raggedy breath left his lips, before he pushed me against the door behind me and kissed me again; much harder this time, almost as if he was angry with me.

His front pressed against mine and I felt heavenly. Never had I felt like this just because of one kiss.

The smalltalk we had exchanged during our flight had made me feel more comfortable with him, but I hadn't expected things to end up like this. Of course, I wasn't complaining, but I knew we needed to calm down.

Ben's body was hard against mine, pinning me completely between him and the closed door. I felt his thigh between my legs, not touching where I needed to be touched, but maybe that was for the best.

"Fuck," he muttered to himself, sounding frustrated, before his lips trailed down to my jaw. When he began kissing my neck, a small and breathless moan slipped past my lips, absolutely adoring the feeling.

This was crazy; my heart was racing and my mind was drawing a blank on everything but him. Was this actually happening or was I having an extremely vivid dream?

I let my fingers tangle into his hair, not minding the rough way his fingers were digging into my body by my hips, grabbing me to pull me even more against him.

Suddenly everything stopped. He took an abrupt step back as if I had just burned him. He was glaring at me.

"That was..." I began with a breathless giggle, "unexpected."

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