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Ben's whole sob story of him not being quite as experienced was total and utter lies.

It felt weird to admit it, but already I was very much convinced he was the best I'd ever had, the best person I'd ever been with despite everything, as well as incredibly capable of performing exceptionally well in bed.

"Feels good?" Hot and heavy puffs of air left his lips and brushed the sensitive skin at the base of my neck as he moved inside me ever so deliciously.

"Yes, God... stop asking," I almost moaned out, completely surrounded by him in the most sinful and intimate ways.

I had never felt like this before, and it frightened me to realise how hooked on him I was. This wouldn't just be a one time thing, as much as I would have liked it to be, because I couldn't imagine myself giving him up and not seeing where this could go. It was way too soon for me to be feeling like this, so I simply blamed it on how good he was making me feel right now.

I felt his plump lips form a grin against my skin, before he kissed me there slowly and hotly, making my eyes flutter shut as I bit my lower lip from moaning out. He hit a particularly deep spot inside me, and I tugged at the roots of his soft and disheveled hair to get him to look at me.

This felt as if I was in some sort of a dream, and it confused me even more. I had feelings for him.

"Kiss me," I managed to murmur out before his lips met mine hungrily, already thinking the same thing.

A low groan rumbled up from his chest and was muffled against my lips, his thrusts gaining a tiny hint of speed. He was close, but I had been fighting back my orgasm for a few minutes now. I didn't even remember the last time I'd orgasmed during sex.

"You're so bloody sexy, Sofia," he spoke into our kiss, with one hand by my head supporting himself up on top of me while his other hand moved along my bare side, trailing up to cup my breast.

I hummed in reply, letting my hands discover his deliciously well toned body at the same time. I could feel how the muscles in his back clenched and flexed with each heart-achingly pleasurable movement he made, and almost lost it there and then.

My hands moved down his back, reaching to squeeze his bum, which clenched with each deep thrust he gave me. From there, I pulled him even closer and deeper inside me, which caused me to moan out breathlessly.

My action took him aback, and he moved back over to leave hot and openmouthed kisses along my neck.

"Fuck. Don't touch my ass, Sofia.."

I felt his teeth graze the side of my neck, and I didn't know if it was his impeccable assault on that magical spot inside me or his deep voice, or everything about this and him combined that pushed me over the edge, but just then a hot wave of pleasure washed over me and made my toes curl as I reached my orgasm.

"Oh, God..." I tugged him roughly from his hair to kiss me again, muffling out my moans and breathless cries into the almost punishing kiss, "Ben, I-I-"

"That's it, baby," he grunted, his thrusts growing sloppier as he pulled back to watch me, "you're so good."

My vision grew hazy, surely looking nothing less than very crude, lewd and very satisfied. Ben's hypnotising darkened eyes moved down from mine, drinking me in before watching how he was disappearing inside of me.

In that moment I found him utterly beautiful. All his walls had come down; he was baring himself completely to me, literally and figuratively. His hair was messy and his cheeks were tinted with a soft and light red, lips parted with heavy breaths leaving them.

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