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(A/N: Feeling rebellious so just jumping right back in. I haven't written in ages, bare with me 🥲 xox I know none of you will remember anything haha, I'm lost w the plot too!)

"Would you like to get coffee with me? I saw a cute place on the way here," I asked Kelly.

Kelly was my private self-defence instructor, around my age and a confident and kind personality. I had started lessons with her right after the incident at Tony's building, where Ben and I had been chased by a gunman, either Horan's or God forbid Tony's.

Ben had assigned me two bodyguards that were always a few steps behind me except at work, and I knew he had more men watching me at all times. I had barely seen him around, he had buried himself in work, nervous about the new weak position Capra Corp was in.

"Yes, please," Kelly gave me a bright smile while I zipped up my windbreaker, "those two coming along?"

She had motioned behind me at Tom and Jerry standing by the entrance of the gym, and I nodded.

"Must be wild living your life," she sent me a wink before walking past me as I grabbed my gym bag.

Being together with Ben Capra was explanation enough for having bodyguards, nobody needed to know the reality of the threat.

We left the gym and entered a black SUV that took us to the cafe I had wanted us to go to. Kelly was telling me all about her recently potty trained two-year-old son and how he had strung together his first sentence.

I found it bittersweet. Understanding I wasn't in a stable and safe place to even want a child, yet growing tired of assuring myself that wanting to be a mother right now was just a phase. I hadn't stopped taking birth control nor told Ben about my feelings.

"How did you bring up wanting a child with Linda?" I wondered, seating ourselves down at a small round table by a window inside the cafe. We had ordered and waited for our coffees, both amused at how awkward my two buff and suited up guards looked grouched down at a similar table nearby.

"We had watched a documentary about same sex couples going through the surrogacy process, and the next day my nephew came over," she told me, "I also made sure to comment on every cute baby we saw."

"That's sweet, and smart," I smiled, enjoying the sunshine and coziness of the small cafe, decorated with plants, "was it... worth it? Easy? Having a child?"

"Honey, no," she laughed, "but the amount of love in our home is mind boggling. Have you and Ben thought of having a child?"

I was quick to shake my head, "there's a lot going on right now with his business and we're moving soon, it's not a good time to even think about it."

"But you've been thinking about it, right?" she offered me a knowing smile as our coffees arrived.

"Maybe," I laughed quietly, appreciating the bond we had quickly grown that enabled her to know what I was thinking most of the time, "I haven't brought it up to him, he's been very busy."

"Be sneaky about it," she shrugged, "I could bring Max over, you'd get a chance to show what an amazing mother you'd be."

"That's kind of you..." my voice trailed off when my eyes moved behind her. Two men, identical to my bodyguards in stature and clothing entered the cafe. Behind them sauntered in the revolting man I wish I'd never had to have seen again.

It seems Tom and Jerry were already on it, as they had stood up and Tom was on the phone with someone.

"Sofia," Winston Horan took no time in spotting me and sending me a dirty grin, "it's been way too long."

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