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"The loss of control..." my lips lightly brushed against the side of his ear, breath hitting his sensitive skin and making him shiver, "I'd get to do whatever I want to you..."

Despite how seductive I was trying to be to persuade him to let me tie him up, he seemed totally unaffected.

We were currently on our first date ever.

Since there was not much to do around here, we had decided on watching the sun set at a nearby park. We were now sitting on a bench, admiring the different colours painting the sky as well as all the flora and fauna.

I had my legs thrown over his and was leaning against his side, whispering into his ear.

"I'd make you feel so good," I added, leaving a slow and sensual kiss just underneath his ear, knowing that he loved that.

"The answer's still a no, Sofia," he grumbled, not pleased at the tactics I was using to make him break, "it won't change."

"You say that now..." I grinned to myself, set on getting him to say yes by any means necessary.

It didn't feel like we had just been reunited yesterday, and it most definitely didn't feel like we'd been apart for months leading up to now. Even though we had agreed to go slow, it didn't feel right most of the time and I knew that he felt it too.

I reached one hand over to cup his jaw to turn his face toward me. The cast of the setting sun made him look all the more dreamy, with his dark eyes and features and casually slicked back brown hair.

"I'll do anything," I brushed my lips gently over his, unable to wipe my grin away at how clearly I was affecting him, "pretty, please?"

"No, stop it," he pulled away from me, "we're on a date."

"So?" My brows raised at him, "can't we discuss what we'll do when we get back to mine?"

Ben sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, looking away again. I ran my finger lightly along his prominent jawline, before leaning in to kiss it a few times.

"Yes, we can," he fired back, "we'll have a glass of wine and go straight to sleep."

"Straight to sleep?" My brows furrowed, finding myself a little upset.

"It's not very promising for us to have sex after our first date," Ben explained calmly, his arm moving to rest around my shoulders from where he held my body closer to his side, "and I'm not putting out until you give up that kink of yours."

"You won't put out?" I laughed at his seriousness, "Ben, honey, why are you so afraid of being tied up? It's not like I would hurt you."

"No, I know," he nodded, glancing over at me as my arm hugged the back of his waist, "I just don't like not being in control, you know that. Doesn't seem so fun."

I smiled at him and how seriously he was taking this and how adorable I found it, "you can't know if it's fun or not until you try it. Experiment, live a little!"

"It's still a no from me, sweetheart, I'm sorry," he breathed out, "I'll do anything but that for you."

A cheeky look etched itself onto my features, "anything?"

"Depends, of course," he chuckled at my expression, knowing it meant anything but good.

"Can you model for me? I've never painted a person before, and I feel like I know your body well enough to be able to paint it on a canvas," I suggested, "it won't take more than a few hours, we could start tonight?"

"Seriously?" He looked at me, seeming pleased, "that's not a bad idea, I'd love t—"

"Nude, of course," I shrugged, holding back a laugh at how his expression changed from excited to mortified.

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