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"Sofia, get in the damn car."

I huffed and continued to ignore him. Since I had given my driver tonight off with my original plans having been to stay at Ben's, I was forced to start making my home by myself.

I was walking down the sidewalk in the cold night towards where taxis usually were. Ben was driving right next to me at my pace, trying to get me to go with him.

"You're making a scene, you're overreact—"

"I'm not overreacting!" I glared at him and tugged my coat around me tighter, not wanting to show him how freezing I was.

Ben sighed and I could just imagine him pinching the bridge of his nose while he leaned one hand by the open window.

"Get in the car. You'll either break a heel or fall and hurt yourself," his tone was infuriatingly calm, knowing how wrong he had done me and wanting to make me seem like the crazy one when I reacted like this.

I decided to attempt ignoring him again and focused my gaze into the distance where I could faintly see the roundabout by which taxis gathered.

This was a very popular street when it came to our city's nightlife. The best clubs and restaurants were littered around here, now meaning that there were more than enough drunk people wondering around with their friends and yelling out obscenities.

"Be reasonable. Let's talk this out, sweetheart," he spoke, still driving at the pace of my hurried steps. The tiniest hint of frustration seeped through into his tone.

I wished that Ben was angry at himself for doing something like this and ruining whatever we could have been.

"There's nothing to talk out, Ben," I replied, sounding frighteningly calm all of a sudden, "you messed up big time."

"Will you fucking stop?" He now sounded angry, almost making me jump. Without looking at him I shook my head and made it seem like I was unfazed.

A few seconds passed without him saying anything else. I then heard him roll up his window.

Confused, I discreetly glanced over at him from the corner of my eye just in time to see him driving away. I felt very conflicted. A part of me had wished he had stayed, but I knew this was for the best.

Suddenly his car stopped and he seemed to park it by the side of the road, next to the sidewalk I was walking along.

My heart rate increased phenomenally, keeping my pace and collected expression. I tried not to follow everything he was now doing, but failed.

Ben got out of his car and shut the driver's side door a little too aggressively.

My heart almost stopped at the sight of him then heading towards me. He looked dangerous and pissed off, his dark eyes narrowed threateningly at me, yet with the pitch black suit and his dark features looking undeniably hot.

I quickly averted my gaze and continued walking as if I hadn't a clue of what he was going to do. The space between us closed quickly, and his hand grabbed my upper arm to stop me just as I had been about to pass him.

Roughly he moved me to stand in front of him, both hands holding me firmly in place from a tight grip on the side of my upper arms.

"You can't park there—" I began calmly, fuming inside but not wanting to show him how he had affected my emotions. I didn't want him to see how much I cared and was now hurting, because it would give him more leverage over me.

"I'm Ben Capra, I can do whatever the fuck I want," he spoke lowly through clenched teeth. His angry expression made my core clench with arousal; I couldn't help it.

"You're so full of yourself, Ben," I offered him a passive-agressive smile, "you can't do whatever the fuck you want. You think it's okay to meddle in other peoples' lives so that everything goes how you want it to go. You're an incredibly toxic person, I can't imagine how you could've thought I would forgive you."

His dark eyes studied my features rapidly, his jaw clenched and grip tight enough to hurt. I forced myself to stay as calm as I could.

Since he didn't reply, I continued, "I need to go-"

"You're staying the night at mine," he told me firmly, and my brows raised at him challengingly.

An unamused laugh left my lips, "in what world? I don't want anything to do with you anymore, get that through your thick skull."

"I'm not letting you go," he shook his head with determination, and I truly felt my heart squeeze painfully at the sudden hint of emotion in his tone, "Sofia, please."

"I quit. You'll have my resignation on your desk first thing tomorrow," I replied, voice softening. He was holding me close enough for our chests to almost brush against each other.

I hated that I had let myself feel these things for him, knowing he was a person like this. After him calling me a prostitute multiple times, pretending to pay me for sex to get me to open up about my past and being all around manipulative and horrible, I had still fallen for him.

"Fine," his frustration returned, most likely to cover up whatever he was feeling, "quit. I'm not letting you get in a taxi though, I'm driving you home."

"Ben—" I knew it wouldn't be just him driving me home. He wasn't that good of a person.

"I'm driving you home, Sofia," he repeated, dark eyes pleading for me to say yes. My walls crumbled down completely when I saw the same eyes I had seen in Brussels. The eyes of a very lost boy.

"Let me go," I muttered, trying a little to wiggle out of his grip, "you're hurting me."

His hands left my body immediately, but he made no move to step back. He frowned and looked down at his hands as if he hadn't realised the force he'd had.

"I'm sorry," he murmured, meeting my eyes again. He seemed to calm down now, no longer projecting his anger onto me.

"Will you let me drive you home?" He asked more politely than before.

I pinched the bridge of my nose, just needing to get as soon as possible so I could cry this all out.

"Fine. If you even try to do something, I swear to God..."

"Nothing, I promise."

A/N: I'm so lost w the story I have no idea if she's overreacting or not xddd ps Ben and Sofia are so toxic in my opinion like I don't usually write shit like this so I'm trying to make it work at this point lol

Anyway, the next chapter will be exciting to those who want smut ;)

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