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"Did you just admit that you were the one who kissed me on the jet?"

My heart had been racing ever since his words fully processed through my mind.

"No comment," he replied casually, gaze focused on the dim hallway ahead.

My heels were beginning to hurt, and I was more than glad to soon be able to relax. Without Ben clouding my judgement with his intoxicating presence, I could maybe think this all through rationally.

I hummed knowingly and tried so much to not be as affected as I really was. He was thinking about kissing me again. My whole body felt alive at the thought and unable to calm down.

"This is me," I turned to him with a kind smile once we arrived by the door of my hotel room. Instead of staying in a suite like his father and he seemed to like to do, I preferred a simple room.

Ben gave me a nod and ran a hand through his hair. I could see the internal debate he was going through in his mind. I knew he wanted to kiss me, but something in him was holding back.

I unlocked my door and, before stepping inside, decided to make the first move.

I leaned in and gently pressed my lips against his for a short kiss. My tummy fluttered with butterflies and adrenaline surged through my body, just at the simplicity of this.

As he hadn't made any move to step back or kiss me back, I gave him a simple smile after I'd pulled back.

"Good night, Ben," I spoke quietly, returning that discreet hint of seductiveness to my tone.

A breath left his lips and he looked away, clearly very troubled by his own thoughts as his brows furrowed and jaw clenched.

"Good night," he murmured back.

I stepped into the dark room and tried to calm down my heart. I had never experienced this much excitement from any man. Even if Ben's mood swings got on my nerves, the feelings he gave me were insane.

As soon as I had closed the door behind me and had turned on the lights, I leaned my back against the wall and breathed out a breath I hadn't even realised I'd been holding.

I slipped my heels off and tried to process what was actually going on.

I was way too attracted to Ben Capra. The rational part of me knew I shouldn't be, but I couldn't help it. He must feel the same way, he had to. It would explain so much of his moods and actions with me.

Just as I was scrolling for Mr Capra Sr's number in my phone, there was a knock on the door.

My brows furrowed and I froze, eyes trained on the closed door.

"Who is it?" I was nervous all of a sudden, and resulted into calling out.


"Oh..." I took slow steps toward the door, debating if I should open it.

Dozens of reasons for him wanting me to open my door, even as we had just said our good nights a minute ago, were running through my head. Only a couple stood out, and they made me all the more anxious.

I hesitantly opened the door a little, enough to see him. His gaze was dark and hard, shoulders tensed and jaw clenched. I wished he'd just relax, as it would relax me as well.

"Can I come in?" His voice was lower than before, and a surge of heat ran down my body.

"Is everything okay?" I asked quietly, opening the door a bit further. I took a small step back, and he entered my room without waiting for a proper invite.

My heart and mind were both racing. I decided to close the door behind him, before turning to watch as he rid his suit coat and left it on a chair.

His deliciously toned back was covered by a white dress shirt, yet visible whenever his muscles flexed with each movement he made.

"Ben, I—" I began, but he was quick to turn around and cut me off.

"How much for an hour?" I noticed he had his wallet in his hands, his attention focused on browsing through the notes he had in there.

My heart sunk into my stomach and my throat clenched. As if it would help at all, I backed away from him until my back met with the closed door.

"I'm not a prostitute..." I sounded weak and felt pathetic. He really did know.

My heart was racing again, but not because of the feelings and attraction I had for him. My heart was racing because I was scared; scared of him.

Ben looked up at me, hard gaze cold and empty, "yes, you are."

He then took a step towards me, eyes running along my form shamelessly for the first time. He had never been so obvious when checking me out or taking in my complexion. In any other scenario with him than this, it would have made me feel hot and sexual.

"Screw the hour. How much for the whole night?" Ben shook his head to himself and pulled out a bunch of notes. It had to have been over 10.000 pounds.

My vision became blurry and a hot tear rolled down my cheek, panic settling deep within me.

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