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"You look like naturals!" Kelly commented, watching as James was excitedly showing his favourite teddy to Ben while I had squatted down beside them.

I had my hand on Ben's shoulder for balance, as he was sat right on the floor of the gym, his suit jacket discarded somewhere. I wasn't complaining, I adored how the white dress shirt complimented his arms and muscles.

Ben sent Kelly a smile, accepting the teddy as James handed it to him.

"He's usually not this comfortable with new people," she continued, packing up her stuff after our lesson, "you have a gift, Ben."

"I think we're both just teddy-fanatics," he replied lightheartedly, handing the teddy back to a widely smiling James.

"Mine," James spoke, hugging the teddy to his chest.

"He's way too adorable," I told Kelly, "you need to bring him around again, if we continue lessons like this."

"I'm sure he'd like that a lot," she nodded, throwing her gym bad over her shoulder.

We spent some more time with Kelly and James, before it was time for them to leave. We walked them to the foyer of the apartment, chatting about nothing in particular.

"Thank you again," Kelly and I hugged, "I really needed this."

"Of course," she smiled, "you're getting very good. Isn't she, Ben?"

I glanced back to see Ben holding James, both examining the teddy closely in his free hand. He was nodding at something the toddler was saying.

"I think we succeeded," I whispered to Kelly, grinning.

She laughed and nudged me playfully, "I agree."

We said our goodbyes and one of our security guards went to drive Kelly and James home. The second the apartment door had closed, I wasn't surprised to be pushed up against the wall.

I had wanted to know where Ben stood with the issue of Winston Horan, but decided it could be left for later. His mood having suddenly better after a few weeks was comfort enough for me.

"You want one of those?" he murmured against my lips, hands squeezing my waist.

"One of those?" I let out a breathless laugh, hands finding his toned chest, "whatever do you mean?"

"I'm not oblivious, I know why James was brought along and I was insisted to play the role of a nanny," he smirked, pushing his hard front against mine, "you're not that sly, baby."

I let my fingers travel into his hair and run through the soft strands, my eyes following their movement.

"Am I not?" I played coy, meeting his gorgeous dark eyes again while he gave me a shake of his head, "fine. Did it work?"

He kissed me again, "the second you stop taking the pill and tell me you want a child, I'll have one in your belly quicker thank you can say 'pumpernickel'."

I laughed at the mention of our safeword. His lips found the nape of my neck, cutting my laughter short. I let one of my hands trail down his front slowly, taking its time feeling his toned body until it found the hardening bulge in his suit pants.

"Want me to tie you up again?" I smiled to myself and felt his chuckle against my sensitive skin.


"Liar," I whispered, gently squeezing his growing bulge.

His hand was quick to grab my chin before he gave me a punishingly hard kiss, "if you try to tie me up, I'll show you what I know in self-defence."

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