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With the takeaway sushi stacked neatly in a plastic bag I was carrying, I made my way out of the elevator and toward Tony's office.

I hummed an unknown tune to myself, deciding not to think too negatively. It was most likely that the distance between us had become so vast was due to the emotional stress Mr Capra's sudden retirement caused me, as well as the fact that Tony was increasingly more busy with managing his business.

"Good evening, Alice," I gave his secretary a wide smile.

"Sofia! Gosh, I—" she abruptly stood up from her desk, eyes wide when I reached to open the door of Tony's office.

I stopped at the doorway when my eyes landed on a beautiful brunette sitting on his desk, her high pitched giggles filling the room while Tony relaxed back in his chair, telling her something.

"Am I interrupting something?" I spoke, catching both their attentions.

Tony's eyes were the first to meet mine, "Sofia. What are you doing here?"

"I thought I'd bring dinner," I gave him a small smile and began taking steps towards the two.

The woman immediately looked uncomfortable and got down from his desk. She straightened her dress and walked past me without making eye contact. She left his office and closed the door behind her.

I stayed watching after her for a moment, before turning back to Tony.

"Sushi," I held up the plastic bag before placing it on his desk, where the woman had been previously sitting on.

"Who was she?" I asked quietly, trying to get him to look at me.

Tony sighed and shrugged dismissively, "Caroline from marketing."

"Oh. She's pretty," I murmured softly and began taking the sushi out. He had told me about Caroline before.

"Listen, Sofia..." he sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. Something was definitely up.

I stopped with the sushi and turned to face him fully, growing nervous. This was something more than the fact that I knew he had slept with Caroline from marketing. We had agreed to an open relationship, so that wasn't what he seemed so troubled about to tell me.

"What's going on?" My mind began running in the darkest of places.

Was this it? Was he ending things with me?

"She's pregnant," he was avoiding my eyes with all costs.

"Caroline?" My voice came out just above a whisper, and he nodded.

"With my child," he added, finally gathering enough courage to meet my gaze.


I had no idea what to say. In my head, I'd always expected us to last longer than any one of his other women. I had always pictured us getting married and starting a family once I no longer needed to do the job I did, and the open relationship could become a normal relationship.

"I'm sorry," he stood up and began reaching for me, "I don't know what to do now."

I took a small step back, feeling my throat tightening up.

"I love her."

I felt a small tear slide down my cheek. I looked away from him, not wanting him to see me cry.

"I'm sorry..."

"Shut up!" I glared at him, hating that he'd never once told me he loved me, but had so easily seemed to say it about a woman he'd fucked a few times within the last few months.

Tony sighed with sympathy, and I could see how he didn't want to hurt me but knew he was, anyway.

"Sofia, please..."

"It's fine," I met his eyes, calming myself down, "we've known each other long enough for me to know you didn't mean for this to happen."

"Are we—?" Tony began, hope clear in his tone.

"Over. Yes," I spoke and the hope from his eyes vanished completely, before he frowned.


I left not long after.

I went to the only place I knew I would get comfort from; Mr Capra's.

He asked what was wrong and why I wasn't spending tonight with Tony.

I lied and told him that Tony had been called into an emergency meeting.

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