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"How's your first week been?"

I looked up from the computer screen to find Tony leaning against the doorframe of his office, watching me with a faint smile. I fixed my posture and returned his smile.

"Fantastic! Everyone has been so nice and welcoming," I told him, "even that lady with the stick up her bum..."

"She's like that, yes," he chuckled, hands tucked in the pockets of his suit trousers, "but amazing with numbers. Great fun at Christmas parties as well."

"What kind of fun are we talking about?" I leaned my elbows onto my desk with curiosity, "a kid on Christmas or the Grinch on Christmas?"

"More like Meredith from the Office on Christmas," he flashed me a grin, and I laughed.

"No! Really?"

Tony nodded with a shrug, "keep up the good work and you'll get to see it."

"So I'm not fired after my first week?" I joked, "thank you for being so charitable."

"Hey," he chuckled, "I can always give this job to someone who actually needs it."

I faked a frown, "you're right, or you could hire a secretary for me? There's way too many phone calls to keep track."

"Just for you I'd do that, Sofia," he chuckled again, glancing over at the elevators.

Since I'd heard them open, I looked over as well. An excited smile pulled at my lips and I straightened up in my seat when I saw Ben walking in. He was holding a large bouquet of red roses and a neatly wrapped small gift.

"Hey," his dark eyes met mine and he began making his way over to my desk.

To my amusement I spotted to women from a workspace close by peeking through the door at Ben, whispering to themselves. He did look absolutely delicious with his dark blue suit and hair a slight mess.

"The weather's terrible, you need to get a garage for this place, Tony," he shot Tony a small smile and nod in acknowledgment.

"Working on it," he gave a nod back as a greeting.

"Are those for me?" I gazed up at my lovely Ben, who in turn raised his brows at me before leaning over to give me a kiss.

"Who else would they be for?" he spoke and placed the gift on the table in front of me, "they're a congratulation for your first week."

I knew Ben had come here instead of giving the congrats to me at home to see what this place was like for himself.

"Thank you!" I basically squealed and stood up to hug him, a bit uncomfortable with my desk between us, "Tony just promised to hire a secretary for me."

Ben laughed, "as expected. Will your secretary get a secretary too? Or will they need a therapist?"

Tony chuckled while I shot Ben a look, "I'm not that bad..."

"She really isn't," Tony spoke, "everything's been great, and I expect it will continue so."

"Good to hear," Ben gave me half a grin, a small droplet of water from the heavy rain outside falling from his hair, "are you ready to start the weekend?"

"Yes, I just need to pack up quickly," I nodded, taking my purse into my hand and arranging papers into their trays.

"Good, we've got a reservation waiting and a wedding to plan."

From the corner of my eye I watched as Tony straightened up, no longer leaning against the doorframe.

"You're getting married?" He asked almost worriedly, a worry in his voice only I spotted due to the long history we had.

"No, no," I shook my head, throwing my coat on, "Ben's father is getting married to my friend Billy. I told you about her, remember?"

"Ah, yes," his shoulders relaxed, "Billy. Of course."

"Are you seeing anyone, Tony?" Ben asked, noting his strange reply.

"Not at the moment, no."

Ben turned toward him, "I could set you up with my secretary. She's been really eager to get out into the dating world again."

He briefly glanced over at me to see me focused on sorting through a few papers, before lowering his voice to Tony, "between us, she's a smoking hot redhead—"

"Ben!" I gasped, horrified at what he'd said, "wha—"

"Sorry, sorry," he chuckled, shaking his head, "Tony, let me set you two up on a date. See how it goes."

"I guess it would be nice to meet someone new," he hesitated, eyes moving between Ben and I, "sure, why not!"

The daggers I had sent Ben with my eyes weren't enough to deter him from placing an arm over my shoulders as soon as we entered the elevator.

He gave me a confused look when I stepped away, shooting him yet another glare. He was carrying the beautiful bouquet of roses while the gift was in my purse, unopened.

"Is everything okay?" he asked me, searching my eyes with furrowed brows.

"You just called someone 'smoking hot' in front of me and then ask me if everything's okay.." I breathed out, arms folding over my chest.


"It's incredibly disrespectful," I shook my head at him, feeling hurt but keeping up a cold front.

"Sofia, you'd be disrespected if I didn't hype her up," he chuckled, "have you forgotten who my secretary is?"

I sent him a confused look, until realisation hit and my eyes widened, "oh, Lord..."

A dear friend of mine, Maggie, who was already nearing retirement age.

"Oh, gosh..." I muttered, pinching the bridge of my nose, "wait, what?"

"You're setting up Tony and Maggie? After you've made him believe she's a smoking hot redhead?" I felt baffled, finding it funny and offensive at the same time.

"Are you saying she's not a smoking hot redhead?" Ben raised his brows with a grin, and I laughed.

"I would never say such a thing," I shook my head, "she is the hottest. She also makes the best lasagna ever, Tony will be very happy."

"I hope so," Ben nodded, looking at what floor we were now passing on our way down, "he still has feelings for you."

"How do you know?"

"I have eyes," he shrugged, "and I know men."

"We've known each other for years, we're practically brother and sister at this stage," I assured him of my feelings.

"I'm not worried, sweetheart," he chuckled, his free hand now placing itself on my lower back, "just pointing it out."

"Mm," I rested my head against his shoulder, feeling drowsy after a long first week, "take me home."

"No restaurant, then?" I heard the grin in Ben's voice, "how hard is he working you?"

"Not tonight, maybe tomorrow?" I offered with a deep sigh, "it's exhausting getting to know so many new people and everything being so busy all the time."

"It's a big change," he agreed calmly, his deep voice calming me immensely, "how'd you like a full body massage? Candles, oils and that strange humming music you like."

"I'd adore that," I smiled, cuddling into his side more before the elevator came to a gentle stop at the ground floor.

"I have the car waiting by the—" Ben began, guiding me out with him.

His words were cut short by a loud bang, causing screams in the lobby. Someone had fired a gun.

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