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Ben Capra

"She was addicted to all sorts of drugs," he was telling me, but his voice sounded a tad muffled, "I needed someone to seduce and ruin an old competitor of ours. She was easy to hire, always does whatever she's told to do. It's the way she was raised. It's horrible, but with an abusive family and having prostituted herself since 16..."

"You're lying," I felt sick and wanted to curse the old man out for saying such things about Sofia.

My father shook his head with a small frown, "I wouldn't. Her past is a very sensitive subject for her, so... you should begin treating her better."

"I treat her fine, goddammit!" My jaw clenched, feeling incredibly conflicted all of a sudden, "she's safe with us, she still doesn't need to go work somewhere else."

"Don't you understand, Ben? She wants to get as far away from her past as possible. Without me as Don, she feels like she's returning to her past... profession."

I ran a hand over my face and slumped down in the leather chair, "I called her a prostitute."

"I know, she told me," he shrugged, not seeming as angry as I would have expected him to be.

Sofia had been an actual prostitute. God knows the things she has had to go through, given the way my father talked about her's being an exceptionally dark past.

"Dad, I—" I began, but cut myself off to process what I was actually about to say, "I'm not going to let her get a new job."

"Son—" he began, but I shook my head to stop him from continuing as well.

"I'm selfish, I know. But I'm not letting her leave. Either you keep your mouth shut up about it, or spill this all to her and I'll make sure she ends up without a job altogether. Are we clear?" My cold and hard exterior resumed, pushing back the feelings of empathy and curiosity I had towards the gorgeous woman obliviously causing all this hassle.

My father blinked slowly, not showing any emotion, before nodding once.

"We're clear," he spoke simply, "has she told you where her next interview is?"


The bastard told me. I knew he understood where I was coming from, business-wise, and a part of him didn't want to lose her either.


I had done my best to avoid Ben Capra after he had tried to kiss me.

With the way he acted when we dealt with each other during work, I came to the conclusion that he regretted even trying to kiss me.

Maybe it had been a lapse in judgement, or a moment's weakness. I didn't know anything going on in his life, so I couldn't judge.

Ben had been more kind towards me though, and I appreciated the concern for my safety he had developed after the Mr Horan incident.

"You wanted to see me?" I popped my head into Ben's office and gave him a small smile.

He looked up from the screen of his computer and nodded for me to come in.

"Close the door behind you, would you?" He motioned with his hand a little, attention focusing back on his computer.

I closed the door and made my way to sit on the leather couch in the office, waiting for him to tell me what it was that he wanted to tell me. It was most likely that I was to work tonight.

"How are you?" He cleared his throat and shifted in his seat, before his dark gaze settled on me.

"I'm good," I told him, not reading too much into this, "you?"

"Good, good..." he seemed very in-thought, watching me very closely. Closely enough to send a hot pang of need down south, and— I cut myself and my surprising thoughts about him off before they could go too far. I faintly blushed.

"Where did you study to become a ballet dancer?" He casually leaned back in his chair, still maintaining his aura of dominance with ease.

His dark suit was well-fitted, hugging every muscle of his body. His hair was slicked back beautifully, revealing more of his facial features. He had a small scar by his hairline, which I hadn't noticed before.

"Sofia?" Ben cleared his throat after I had completely got lost in him; a moment's weakness, I supposed.

I was bummed that Tony had ended things between us. My slightly frightening thoughts about Ben Capra – about him being wildly attractive and interesting – surely stemmed from that. That's what I assured myself with and calmed down.

"Yes, uh..." I searched my brain for the academy I always told my clients when they asked where I'd studied, "at Juilliard."

His brows raised as his arms rested on the sides of his office chair. I began to feel uncomfortable under his dark gaze. Something told me it held a great deal of scepticism, but then again there was no way he could know I was lying, was there?

"That's impressive," he gave me a small nod, brows furrowing, "show me something."

"Excuse me?" My voice came out much quieter now, my heart rate increasing.

"A pirouette, or something. Anything," Ben began motioning for me to stand up and twirl.

My eyes widened a little in panic. I composed myself and let out a small laugh, before shaking my head.

"That seems a little weird, I—"

"Do it."

I quieted down completely at his tone. It wasn't harsh or too commanding. It was calm, which seemed to frighten me the most.

He knew. He knew I had lied. My breathing felt constricted all of a sudden, feeling anxiety over the thought of him knowing what my past was really like.

"I, I..." I had no idea what to say, my good mood from this morning having completely vanished, "I need to go..."

I had an interview soon, anyway. One which I would surely get with my credentials. The pay was much lower, since it was one of the last on my list, but I needed it.

"Sofia," Ben then sighed and shifted in his seat again, before running a hand through his hair impatiently, "show me."

I had frozen completely, unable to look away from him nor run away.

Suddenly the door of his office opened up, and his eyes broke away from mine. I felt like I could breathe, finally, and slouched back in my seat in defeat.

I noticed how clenched his jaw was when his suddenly very pissed off eyes settled on Marge, his secretary.

"Mr Capra, the deal is in the works," she told him simply, before leaving and closing the door behind her.

My brows furrowed and I looked back at the man in front of me, behind the grand desk.

I watched as he sighed and straightened himself up. I waited quietly and patiently before he met my eyes and cleared his throat.

"Pack a bag for tonight. We're flying to Belgium."

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