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The last thing I remembered was falling backwards, eyes fluttering open just enough to see the bright lights of the hospital room, and then everything went dark.

Mr Capra Sr's raised voice silenced as I lost consciousness, my ears ringing painfully from the gunshot.

Everything turned so serene and calm. It was silent, with nothing concerning on my mind. It was peaceful.

"Sofia!" I heard a muffled voice, but focused on the warmth and peacefulness.


It continued, and I felt something. I felt a tap on my cheek.

The more I tried to remain in my serene silence, the more I struggled. Everything started to become brighted and all sounds became louder.

"It's Ben," I recognised the voice as Ben's, "come to me."

Taking my time, I adjusted to the light and squeezed open my eyes, slowly adjusting to the light. I saw him over me, eyes darting back and forth between mine with deep concern.

"Even when you say it, your name isn't sexy," I croaked out, not thinking before I spoke.

His brows furrowed, my vision still a little blurry. I felt my hair being brushed back from my face, the gentle touch calming me immensely.

"I want a baby," was the only thing I thought to mumble out.

"I'll give you everything," his voice sounded in reply, and I faintly saw his smile, "how are you feeling?"

I tried to lift myself up, but felt too weak. I was in a bed with bright lights shining down upon me. My mind slowly registered that I was laying in a hospital bed, in a room comparable to the one Mr Capra Sr was in.

"Is he okay?" I suddenly realised he had been in danger and struggled to sit up, eyes widening and darting around the empty room.

Ben shushed me, taking ahold of my shoulders to carefully place me back down onto the bed.

"Dad's okay, I just sent someone to tell him you woke up," he chuckled lightly.

My teary eyes met his warm and adoring ones with confusion.

"You fainted after I shot him, Sofia," he explained, still leaning over the bed from his seat to better view me, "everybody else is okay."

"Do you need water?" He continued when I hadn't replied, "are you feeling okay?"

I breathed in deeply and forced myself to raise myself to sit up, still adjusting to the bright lights and the faint feeling I had.

"I'm okay," I whispered, my voice hoarse, focusing on his complexion, "are you?"

"As long as you're fine, so am I," he offered me a kind smile, his thumb gently brushing across my cheek.

I took in the room more and realised I was hooked up to some kind of machine. Confused about this, I sat up more to try and focus my vision on it.

"It's to monitor your heart rhythm," he chuckled lightly at my expression, hand on the thin white cover over my thigh sparking my interest, "you're all good, baby."

"I heard a gunshot.." I muttered, bringing one hand up to squeeze the bridge of my nose, feeling a slight headache and fatigue.

"Yes, I shot one of Winston's men," he repeated, brushing another hair lovingly back from my face, "the second you feel okay, I'm taking you home."

"I need to stay with Mr Capra Sr..."

He cut off my slow speaking, "no. He's protected."

My brows furrowed and I shook my head, "no, I'm staying-"

"You follow what I say, Sofia," he cut me off again, his voice more strict, "I'm bringing you home to rest."

"What about your father?" I breathed out, slowly beginning to feel normal and remembering every detail of what had happened before I had fainted.

"He has plenty of my men with him, he'll be okay," Ben assured me, "the only one I truly care about is you right now."

I frowned, "that's a horrid thing to say, he's your father..."

I knew him and Mr Capra Sr were still in therapy, but according to what Ben had said and how they had interacted with each other, their relationship had bettered tenfold.

"I'm handling this, you don't have to worry yourself."

I sat up fully, pushing the blanket off of me, and demanded to see him. After a short consideration, he agreed.

Despite offers of help from staff, he insisted on helping me stand up and make myself to Mr Capra Sr's room just next door.

We made our way to him, Ben holding on to me tight enough as if I had trouble walking now, even though I didn't. Him caring this much warmed my heart, yet the fright of someone getting so close to us frightening my soul.

"Why would you have a gun?" I dared ask quietly just before we reached Mr Capra Sr's room, looking up at him while holding onto him for support, still feeling a little fatigued.

I watched Ben's jaw tighten and his eyes move away from me, "for safety."

"How do you know how to use it?" I had to push further, slowing my steps so that he would have enough time to answer.

I had never once seen Mr Capra Sr or Ben touch a gun before. They wouldn't bother, as they had others take care of that side of the business while they simply ran it.

"Why wouldn't I?" he chuckled uncomfortably, clearly not wanting to tell me the whole truth, "trust me, you have nothing to concern yourself about."

He still seemed eerily calm after having just shot someone, and I hated to admit that it scared me. I knew him having blood on his hands wasn't anything new, but instead of giving orders he had pulled the trigger with ease.

"You've closed off so much after all this started, you used to tell me details," I frowned, slowing down just before we reached the door to be able to turn to him.

He studied my eyes for a moment, his dark eyes seeming off in thought, before he shook his head and brushed my concern off coldly.

"It's just business, Sofia."

I sighed and let it be, mood brightening when I was greeted by Billy in a tight hug and Mr Capra Sr.

I had managed to persuade Ben to have Mr Capra Sr sent home as well. It made no sense to keep him at the hospital for monitoring, when one of Winston's men had gotten so close and the Capra's owned the hospital, and were therefore able to send several nurses and doctors home with him.

From there, Ben and I returned to his apartment in silence. I still felt a little weird, but knew I needed to know why he was hiding things from me.

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