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I was on my way to work the next day, when Mr Capra Sr. called me.

After a good and deep sleep, I had gotten over the shake up of last night.

"Good morning," I answered the call on a crappy flip-phone, the only phone I could get quickly after mine broke last night, "how are you?"

"Are you alright? I told him to stop the whole meeting from going down," I could just about imagine him shaking his head with a displeased expression, "terrible what happened, Ben called me last night and told me."


"My son," he seemed to relax with a laugh, "I must've told you this before?"

"Maybe, I don't know," I replied, not having even thought of what his first name was, "sorry, my mind's a mess. I'm resigning today.."

I heard him shifting on the other end, as if sitting up abruptly, "what?"

"Without you as Don, I don't feel comfortable or safe doing what I do. Last night with Mr Horan was a nightmare, a lot of things resurfaced and I didn't like it at all," I told a patiently listening Mr Capra.

I reached the front doors of the building the mafia's offices were at.

Before heading through the security procedures, I stopped to finish this conversation inside.

"You shouldn't have met with Mr Horan. I've set Ben straight about this, about things I did to make sure everything was safe for you," he assured me, "it'll take time for him to get settled in, but I'm sure once he does..."

"I'm already late, I really should go," I sighed regretfully, not wanting to bother the man further about this. I knew he didn't want me to resign, but I don't think there was any other way.

I had spent this morning looking at all the invites I had for interviews from places I'd sent my résumé to.

Mr Capra sighed and I imagined him nodding to himself, "alright. Just... he's really not as bad as he seems. I haven't known how to be a father for him ever, it's just..."

My brows furrowed at his vulnerable words. It was clearly uncomfortable for him to say these things to me, but it only showed how much he didn't want me to resign. I felt terrible, because I had already made my decision.

When it seemed like he wouldn't or couldn't continue further, I replied.

My voice was soft, not matching the bubbling of people around me in the lobby of the building.

"I really need to go now."

He knew I was still going to resign, just from the sound of my voice, and sighed.

"Come see me in the afternoon, okay?"


We ended the call, and with a heavy weight now having settled on my heart, I took the elevator up to the highest floor where the Don's office was.

I headed straight to find Mr Capra Jr. and didn't so much bother with chatting with the people I worked with.

I felt like a flurry heading towards his office. Before the Don's secretary, Marge, could have stopped me, I pushed the door open.

He wasn't in his office.

My brows furrowed and I ended up standing there for a moment, taking things in. What was I really doing? What was I going to say?

"He's gone out," Marge called, typing away on the computer on her white desk, decorated with a simple indoor pot of flowers.

"What? Why?" Just as I was turning back to go talk to her further, my face pressed into someone's hard chest.

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