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I had exceeded my own expectations with the pasta bolognese, and was incredibly happy that Ben seemed to have really liked it too.

We both agreed that I was better at cooking than at making coffees, and had a very lovely and intimate dinner. We talked and laughed, and I really felt like we were the single most ordinary and everyday couple having dinner together, without any dark pasts or rocky patches.

After we had cleaned everything up together, I had received full consent from him to let me tie him up. I was so excited to finally be able to do it, and knew that I'd make him love it despite not being excited in the least about the idea.

"I'm already regretting this," Ben muttered, tugging his arm to test the way I had tied both his hands to his bed using his ties.

I smiled, incredibly pleased once I finished tying his left foot to the left corner at the end of his bed with another one of his ties and then moved to tie up his right ankle.

"People will come looking for me if you're planning on killing me or just leaving me here," he told me half jokingly, "you do know that, right?"

"I know that," I replied with a sneaky grin, wanting to tease him a little, "but I think I can get away with it, don't you?"

He seemed a little taken aback, his brows furrowing, "Sofia..."

"I won't hurt you, I promise," I assured him quickly, very excited about this, "I love you and I know you'll love this."

"You do know that they're expensive, right? The ties?" His brows raised at me, not seeming amused at all at his current position, "if they're ruined after this..."

"They'll be fine," I mused, now checking that none seemed too uncomfortable or tight on his wrists, "do they hurt?"

"No," he breathed out in defeat, carefully watching every move I made rounding his bed. Our only light was the moonlight coming from outside, the long drapes in his bedroom left open for tonight and leaving the windowed wall available for us.

"Can you get out of them?" I then stopped to wonder, feeling incredibly aroused at his current position already. The control he let me have over him right now felt beyond amazing, and I loved it.

Ben tried to, but resulted in shaking his head in reply, "no. You'll untie me when I ask you to."

"Now, why would I do that?" I teased seductively, standing right beside his nude self, slowly letting my dress fall to my feet.

His eyes immediately focused on my red lace lingerie, and I swear I saw him gulp as he took my complexion in.

"You really did plan this out..." he muttered to himself.

"I did," I replied confidently and sat myself down on my knees between his parted legs.

Once I was comfortable, I placed one hand on his upper thigh, very close to his member surprisingly already showing a little bit of excitement as it rested up against his lower stomach.

"I want to touch you," his low voice pleaded, dark eyes carefully taking in everything I was doing.

I loved the power I felt right now and how I had him in the palm of my hand, the most powerful man on God's green Earth. Ben had agreed to this on one term, though. It was a safe word; pumpernickel.

"You don't get to," I offered him a sweet smile and torturously moved my hand slowly up toward his member, "you don't seem to hate this, now, do you?"

He was clearly not used to being tied up, as he often tugged at his ties, forgetting he couldn't actually move from his place anymore.

"This is the freakiest thing I've ever done, I hope you know that," he continued to seem rather displeased, but his member told me a completely different story, "anal is on the table after this."

"We'll see," I sent him a dirty grin, before leaning down to press a kiss right onto his tip, enjoying the way Ben's whole body tensed up but he was unable to do anything about it.

"You need to relax, baby," I told him, my voice and hand moving continuously closer and closer to his length as seductively as I could muster.

"I can't believe I agreed to this..." I could just imagine him shaking his head to himself in disbelief.

"Pumpernickel, remember?" I glanced up quickly to remind him, lips having ghosted along the length of his member and brought his undivided attention on me.

"Yeah," he breathed out unevenly, dark eyes showing that he really didn't hate this as much as he was saying.

"Oh, fuck," he groaned out when I finally took him into my mouth, my hand reaching to take a gentle hold of his base, ready to move along the length I couldn't fit past my lips.

"I'm only okay with this because you look so turned on," Ben felt the need to clarify, his voice much lower and deeper than before, yet it just went in my one ear and out through the other, "it's so sexy."

"Shh," I pulled back to tell him, before going to town.

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