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A month had gone by quickly, with so much good happening.

Winston had been killed by one of our men, Tony and his business had settled in as working under Capra Corp, I had resigned my position at Tony's company and fully committed to be copartner at Capra Corp. Ben and I had both visited my doctor about conceiving a child, and settled into our new apartment a little over a week ago.

To make things even brighter, today was Billy's and Mr Capra Sr's wedding rehearsal.

The best thing of all was that I had found out this morning that I was in the very early stages of pregnancy. Unfortunately Ben had been at the office from early this morning, and I hadn't had a chance to tell him the news yet.

I was currently getting my hair and makeup done, before I would slip into the bridesmaids dress and leave to the rehearsal, where I would meet him. It wasn't customary to wear the bridesmaids dress to the rehearsal, but Billy had been so excited that I would.

From: Ben: Do we need to bring a gift with us?

To: Ben: They told us we don't, but I have a little something anyway x

From: Ben: Thank you x

Unsurprisingly, Mr Capra Sr was the first one I had told I was pregnant. It was meant to be that way, but he had called me in the morning right after I had got the results of my third positive pregnancy test to make sure everything would run smoothly today. I had been crying and had to tell him the news, which I didn't mind at all.

I pleaded him to keep this from Billy, explaining that I didn't want take any attention away from the happy couple and most importantly the beautiful bride, but he insisted that it wouldn't be an issue and I agreed to let him tell her.

Ben had been by me every time I waited the results of a pregnancy test besides the ones of this morning, and was serious enough that he had already begun looking at houses for us to move into, even if we had just moved into the most coveted apartment in the country.

From: Ben: We have drinks with Tony on Thursday, we can get him in on your expansion plans.

To: Ben: We may need to reschedule, I'll explain after the rehearsal x

Once my hair and makeup was done, and I was wearing the maid of honour dress, I was escorted by Tom and Jerry to the car. It took me across the city to the famously beautiful Kew Gardens, where Billy and Mr Capra Sr were to be married the day after tomorrow.

Tom and Jerry escorted me inside as well, and I took in the beautiful white building that was surrounded with astounding gardens. Inside a few hundred guests had already arrived.

For the actual wedding, the guest amount had been limited due to the venue's restrictions, but the dinner and after party included a few hundred more, mostly friends of Mr Capra Sr and members of the Capra Corp, therefore family to us.

"My darling!" I heard his voice and turned to see him rushing toward me, Billy left behind him to chat with the guest that had arrived ahead of me.

Before Mr Capra Sr reached me, I saw the tears of joy in his eyes and the wide smile he had. His emotions made me emotional as well, and I felt tears well up in my eyes as well.

I felt so thankful to whatever Gods were out there that Ben and I had managed to conceive so fast, and overwhelmed at the change this would bring. Happy, grateful and blessed.

"Mr Capra," I hugged him tightly, sniffling a little and praying my makeup wouldn't smudge.

"My darling," he repeated, hugging me back until he pulled back to take me in, "now you're truly glowing."

I laughed and wiped away a tear that had slipped, "I'm just very happy."

I loved this man like a father, and seeing him
so happy to welcome me into the family through marriage and to have me as the mother of his grandchild was incredible.

"I have a feeling I'm as happy, if not more," he told me genuinely, "you'll be a wonderful mother, the best anyone could ask for."

I held back further tears the best I could, and thankfully I was crashed into by Billy, who wrapped me in an even tighter hug. The amusement of it made me laugh again, especially when I realised some of the other guests were curiously examining the warmer welcome I was receiving.

"Sofia!" she laughed as well, "I'm so excited for you two! I can't wait to be a grandmother."

We pulled back and smiled warmly, "I still need to confirm it through a blood test, but four positives makes me quite positive."

Billy hugged the side of Mr Capra Sr's arm while he dabbed away the tears that had formed into his eyes. It touched me deeply to see him like this, it meant the world.

"And I haven't told Ben yet, I'd appreciate it if I could—"

"Told me what?"

I glanced back to see Ben walking in, immediately taking my breath away with how sexy and confident he looked. His steps slowed down when he realised all three of us were teary eyed and quiet.

"Oh, nothing! We were just admiring the ring," Mr Capra Sr quipped, stepping up to his son to give him a hug.

It seemed the strength and intensity of the hug surprised Ben, as he took a second to return it. They usually shook hands, but when we had told them
about our engagement they had hugged.

"I know I haven't been the best father, but I love you dearly for having the kindness to work things through with me with patience and understanding," Mr Capra Sr told Ben, tone emotional and only confusing him more.

"Of course, father," he cleared his throat and pulled back from the hug, "I'm very happy for you and Billy."

"I can't wait to be your mother," Billy crashed into him as well, hugging him tightly. These hugs didn't compare to the ones he had received when we announced our engagement to them, so I could only imagine how confused he was. I held back a laugh at his expression when his dark eyes met mine.

"You look so dapper, honey. It's so great to have you here, and as the best man!" Billy brushed something off his shoulder, and Ben thanked her.

"Our wedding planner is late, so there's still an hour before we start going over the ceremony," she then looked between the two of us.

Mr Capra Sr, who was now standing beside me, leaned in to whisper, "there's a private meeting room down the hallway, incase you would like to speak to my son in private."

"Can somebody explain what's going on?" Ben asked, growing a little frustrated from the shows of affection this randomly.

"We're just so in love with you and Sofia," Billy told him, making him sigh when she hugged him again.

"Ben, can I talk to you for a moment?" I asked when they had pulled back, motioning at the room at the end of the secluded hallway.

"Yes! You do that, we'll go entertain the guests and eat some aperitifs," Billy giggled excitedly, taking Mr Capra Sr's hand and tugging him to walk with her.

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