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I already felt at such peace, after only a few weeks of having lived here.

I felt like I could truly be myself with nobody here knowing who I was or had been, especially when everyone welcomed me with such open arms.

Billy and I had become very close since she welcomed me just as I'd been moving in. I had visited her house a few times to help her tend to her wonderful garden and also to practice the waltz with her. I learned that her black cat Whiskers was the king of the household, strutting around with his head held high at all times.

I had gotten a job as a waitress at the local cafe and befriended the manager, who was a woman around my age named Olivia. I was surprised to learn that the cafe was only open during the weekends, since this town wasn't busy in the slightest and people rarely even passed through. The schedule was perfect for me and I had a lot of time to get started on my paintings.

Tony had visited me yesterday. We had spent the day together and I had shown him around the small town centre as well.

It had been funny to see him being chauffeured here and then walking around town in his suit, while most people here were so relaxed. I had a hunch he thought I had gone a tad insane moving to a town like this, but I didn't mind.

There had been a few nights where, after a couple of glasses of wine I had had the urge to text Ben. I was still unable to stop him running through my mind daily and it was killing me not to know how he was doing. My feelings for him hadn't changed at all, but I missed him more and more.

Mr Capra Sr was arriving here any minute now, as we had planned for him to visit me today and see my new home.

Until he arrived I had dedicated my time to try to paint. My subject for today was a bowl of fruit, and I was having trouble with painting the banana. I had tried to project it onto the canvas for around an hour now, but felt like I was failing miserably.

Just as I was about to give up and throw the banana out of the window, there was a knock on my door. I quickly placed all my painting instruments away and rushed to open it.

"Mr Capra!" I squealed the second I saw him and ran into his arms, squeezing him tightly, "I've missed you so much."

"My darling girl," he chuckled, a little taken aback but returning my hug, "you're glowing!"

"Fresh air and peace does that to a person," I pulled back and flipped my hair over my shoulder sassily, grinning widely.

He laughed and agreed, "you're right."

"I've made us tea and there's also biscuits," I began leading him inside, "are you hungry? I could whip up something quickly."

"Tea and biscuits will be fine," he assured me with a warm smile, walking a little slower than he had the last time I saw him.

We made our way to my garden where I had set up the small outdoor table I had. I poured us both tea and we began chatting.

I told him everything about this place, from the people to the scenery and vibe.

I came to find out that he was still single, as a woman he had attempted a romantic relationship with had ended up infatuated with a much younger man.

I couldn't help but silently be concerned by the fact that he seemed very tired. Maybe it had been his journey here in the backseat of a car, or then it was just his age. On a level I felt guilty having moved here, since Mr Capra Sr was somebody I wanted to have close by incase anything happened to him or he needed my help.

"Ben asked me to make sure you're doing okay," he offered me a cheeky smile as the conversation shifted to his son half an hour later.

"Oh," my heart rate increased and I felt the rush of emotions for his son all over again, "that's kind of him... How are you two doing?"

"We've been spending a lot of time together. There's a few rather touchy subjects that we've managed to talk about," he informed me, "but I'm quite positive that you already know what they are. He's also opened up about him and you."

"Oh," I quickly grabbed a biscuit to munch on, pleased that their relationship was being salvaged and Ben truly was working on himself as well by talking things through with his father.

"I feel like both of you get all quiet when I bring the other up in conversation," he chuckled and shook his head, "I just feel it's my duty at this point to let you know that I think he's working hard to become someone who is worthy of you."

My heart clenched, wanting nothing more than to at least see Ben. But I kept assuring myself that this was for the best, even if I didn't fully believe it anymore.

"I-" I began, but had no idea what to say, "I really miss him, but I think it's best for both of us if we moved on."

"Do you want to move on?" Mr Capra Sr's brows raised at me challengingly, seeing right through me and my lies.

I sighed and looked down at my empty teacup, "I don't. It feels impossible right now, but I'm sure that with a bit of time—"

"Doll, you haven't seen him in months. If you still haven't even started to get over him..." he offered me a tightlipped smile, pointing out something I had been trying not to think about.

I just shook my head, not wanting my good mood to leave and thinking of what to change the subject with.

While I tried pushing Ben out of my thoughts, Mr Capra Sr's eyes focused in on something inside my house behind me. Suddenly his eyes widened and he reached for his phone.

In confusion I watched as he began rapidly scrolling through something, his free hand reaching over to grab my wrist.

"Don't move," he told me quietly and gravely, "someone's inside. I'm calling my driver, he shouldn't be far."

In slight panic I glanced back to see what he had seen. I saw a figure heading closer, but only once they arrived at the doorway of my backdoor I realised who it was.

"Mr Capra, this is my neighbour Billy," I let out a small laugh in relief of there having been no real threat while Mr Capra Sr looked rather confused.

"We keep our doors around here unlocked," I leaned in to tell him quietly before standing up. He placed his phone back into his suit pocket and breathed out.

"Billy, hey!" I went to hug her, "is everything okay?"

"Everything's okay. Just dropping by to give you a few flowers I picked from my garden as a thank you for all your help. They're in a vase in the kitchen," her eyes then focused on Mr Capra Sr, who had also stood up, "I see you've got a guest. Quite a hunk."

She had spoken the last part quietly, just for me to hear. I stifled a small laugh and watched as she confidently headed to the flustered man.

"Good afternoon, I'm Billy from down the street," she extended her hand out for him to shake, most likely giving him flirty eyes according to her tone.

I observed their interaction closely with my arms folded over my chest, unable to not smile as I instantly realised how struck by her Mr Capra Sr seemed to be.

"It's great to meet you. Sofia's told me a lot about you, but she failed to mention how stunning you are," the sly dog replied smoothly and instead of shaking her hand brought it up to his lips for a small kiss.

I had heard stories of what a womaniser Mr Capra Sr could be, but had never actually seen him in action.

"Oh! I bet you say that to all the girls," she placed her hand on her chest, clearly very taken by him.

I rolled my eyes lightheartedly at the two, realising I had just brought together two soulmates as it now seemed.

I invited Billy to stay and she agreed for only an hour since she wanted to give Mr Capra Sr and I time to still chat.

"So how do you two know each other?" She wondered, gazing dreamily at Mr Capra Sr.

"I used to work for him," I told her, while he felt like adding:

"My son and her had a thing, it's a long and messy thing to explain..." he reached over one hand to brush a piece of Billy's hair behind her ear, completely focused on her as well, "gosh, where have you been all my life?"

During most of the time Billy was here, I was definitely the third wheel but didn't mind one bit, simply enjoying seeing both of them so happy.

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