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"I need to get you out of my system, Sofia," he was nearing me with the wad of money while I tried to calm myself down through deep breaths.

So far, I knew he liked me. I also knew that he was aware about my past, or at least some parts of it. His father must have told him, but so could have Vince.

I had no idea what to say and instead kept staring at Ben.

"I feel like I'm going crazy," his hard expression then faded away and so did his gaze from me. For a short second it was like he was frowning to himself, and I couldn't even begin to imagine how conflicted he was feeling.

"You sure are acting like it..." I breathed out, hoping he wouldn't come any closer because he was one step away from stepping into my personal bubble. It would have been fine unless I hadn't been so scared of him at the moment.

He looked back at me with a small glare, "don't speak to me like that."

"Ben, I know you like me. That's fine. I—" I began, hoping so much to be able to calm him down and get him to talk about what was going on inside his head.

His jaw clenched at my words though, and he took an intimidating step closer, cornering me completely in the small and dim entrance room.

"Stop being so frustrating. I don't like you, I'm not a kid," Ben had never seemed this tense before. A part of me felt really bad for him.

The only way out of this situation was to calm him down with words. Talk sense into him and get him to leave, before calling his father to ask what the hell was going on.

"I like you," I decided to tell him quietly, almost too quietly. For a short moment I hadn't thought he'd heard me, as his stance remained tense and hard. He still looked frustrated.

"I know what you're doing, Sofia. Don't mind-fuck me like that," he took ahold of my wrist harshly and placed the stack of money into the palm of my hand, "I'll get you the rest later."

I frowned, observing the money. It was more than I had ever earned working my old job.

"T-the rest?" I cleared my throat, trying so hard not to slip into the mental state I had been before meeting Mr Capra Sr.

I looked up just in time to find Ben walking back further into my hotel room. He fumbled with the top buttons of his dress shirt as he sat himself down on the grey couch, facing me.

"Just name a figure, sweetheart," he spoke, relaxing back against the couch after unbuttoning the first two buttons, "I'll transfer it to you as soon as we get back."

"I-I..." I was staring again at the money I was holding. I felt small and unworthy then, understanding my value in his eyes.

There was no way out of this. I knew that, and so did he. This was Ben Capra that I was dealing with, and I was all alone; without back up or Mr Capra Sr... nobody.

I sat down on the bed, very slowly, aware of his gaze following each movement I made.

"Can I tell you something?" A small tear slipped the corner of my eye, but I was quick to wipe it away before meeting his dark and dangerous eyes.

"Go ahead," Ben gave me a small nod, gesturing for me to go on as he further relaxed against the couch, seeming right at home.

I placed the wad of money beside me on the bed and ran a hand through my hair with a deep exhale, "you wouldn't have had to pay me."

He gave me a questioning look, so I continued.

"I meant what I said about liking you. If you would have played your cards right, you wouldn't have had to pay me for sex," I looked down at the carpeted floor separating us, "I don't know what kind of a person that makes me seem like to you, but I really couldn't care less at this point..."

I was afraid to look back up at him.

"Come here," he instructed after a moment of silence.

I squeezed my eyes shut and hoped for a moment this wasn't actually happening. I had distanced myself so greatly from my past, yet here I was surrounded by it again.

I was with a wealthy businessman in a hotel room, getting paid for sex. The only thing missing was Sport and the drugs he liked to give me.

"Sofia, come here," Ben repeated, and my eyes slowly opened. I took him in carefully, still sitting on the couch in the dimness, something infuriatingly casual about him now. My heart thud painfully in my chest.

I got up from the bed and made my way to the couch, my steps extremely hesitant. This was it. This was the lowest point in my existence.

He made room for me to sit next to him, so I did.

"I'm not paying you for sex," Ben then told me, gaze fixated on the side of my face. I kept my focus on the closed door, wishing I could go back in time and quit just after Mr Capra Sr had suffered his heart attack.

"Love, did you hear me?" I felt his hand on my thigh suddenly, and even when the action was gentle, I flinched.

I turned to look at him, and he frowned.

"I'm sorry if I'm scaring you," it was clear he wasn't too comfortable with apologising, but he still now did, "please, don't cry..."

My brows furrowed and I brought my hands up to wipe the underneaths of my eyes. I had felt so numb, I hadn't even realised I was properly crying.

I sniffled and shook my head to myself, a part of me wanting to find comfort in his hand on my thigh and hear him out, with another part of me wanting to dash out right now.

"I want to talk. Only talk," Ben then told me, his low voice relaxing me just a hint, "no sex."

I wiped my tears away, and he gave me time to calm down. Still, he had knowingly put me in the position of thinking he wanted to pay me for sex. I didn't know how to feel, above my mental and physical exhaustion.

"Some people pay to talk so someone," he then chuckled to himself lowly, "I pay you to talk to me."

I was quiet for a moment longer, before speaking, "you're horrid."

He hummed in reply, agreeing halfheartedly.

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