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I hadn't informed Ben that I knew about his father having told him about Tony. I didn't tell him that I had a plan for tonight.

"You'll wrap up with him and then you'll come to mine, alright?" He finished talking tonight over with me, "Vince and the guys will finish Tony Prince off."

"Why does he need to die?" I asked, acting as if completely oblivious to everything.

Ben's brows furrowed, almost having expected an emotional reaction from me. We were sitting at the backseats of one of his cars being driven to the restaurant where Tony was already waiting.

"Someone else will just take his place," I added, wanting Ben to realise that his excuse for just wanting to get rid of a competitor was total and utter bullshit.

"I've got everything covered, you don't need to start worrying about anything else except following the plan," he made it clear and shifted in his seat.

I sighed and nodded.

Unlike previous clients, with Tony Ben had insisted I wear a wire. 'Something new' that they were trying out, he'd told me. I knew he wanted to hear our conversation and I was more than willing to let him hear every single bit of it.

"We'll go iceskating tomorrow. There's a light show," Ben then told me out of the blue, making me look back at him again.

"I don't know how to skate," was the first thing I thought of saying.

He chuckled and reached a hand over to rest on my thigh almost comfortingly, "I'll teach you, you'll do fine."

"By me doing fine you mean that I'll end up with a broken pelvis and bruised tailbone?" I decided to try to lighten up both our moods.

As much as I now viewed Ben as absolutely crazy for actually wanting to get rid of Tony, I still had feelings for him. I felt like I understood in what a shitty position he had been forced into, but still it didn't call for this.

He laughed and gave my thigh a small squeeze, "that's a bit dramatic, no? Tonya Harding will be jealous by the time I'm done with you, sweetheart."

Despite my body reacting traitorously to him and his tone, my brows lifted in curiosity, for a moment forgetting in what a shit storm we would soon be in.

"You can really skate?" I wondered aloud, studying his gorgeously defined features only complimented by the completely pitch black suit he had on.

"I took a few lessons when I was three or four," Ben shrugged, unable to hold back a smile when I grinned, "I'd say I'm average."

"We'll both end up breaking at least two bones," I ended up giggling, shaking my head at him. I doubt we would do anything tomorrow after tonight.

"I really like you, Sofia."

My amusement died down and I ended up just taking him in for a moment. It was already dark outside.

I took his hand into mine and gave it a squeeze, "and here I thought you weren't a kid..."

He chuckled a bit, a tad nervous, "alright, then. I have feelings for you."

I smiled softly and almost sadly down at his hand on my lap, "I know."

It was quiet for a moment. I wanted things to work out with Ben, but he didn't have a reputation for being so straightforward and honest with me.

"You have feelings for me too, right?" Ben then asked hesitantly and awkwardly. It was very unlike him and made my smile widen. I looked back over at him and nodded.


"Good, good..." he returned my smile, being very careful with what he was going to say, "be my girlfriend, Sofia?"

My smile vanished and I stared at him, not having expected him to want to move that fast.

"Ben, I—"

"I know it's fast, but after last weekend I just.. well, you know. You feel this too, I know you do," he seemed very intent all of a sudden, dark eyes studying each feature of my face and every emotion.

I knew that if we went fast we'd surely burn down in flames. Going slow, especially after tonight, was the only option.

"I'd feel more comfortable if we at least waited for a few weeks," I offered, "we can continue getting to know each other and spend time together."

Yet again he took a moment to process his thoughts, only replying when I squeezed his hand in my hold gently.

"Yes, that's fine."

It was mostly quiet during the rest of the ride. Once our driver parked by the main entrance of the restaurant, through which I was to go in, Ben unbuckled his seatbelt with me.

Usually he went in through the back door or followed later through the main doors, so him unbuckling his seatbelt now confused me.

I didn't have much time to be confused or voice my confusion to him, since he had closed up the space between us in the backseat and kissed me.

One of his hands cupped my jaw and the other the back of my neck to keep me in place. Without a second thought I kissed back with one hand rising up to hold his wrist, yet felt very conflicted.

The kiss was purely possessive. Ben wanted me to come back to him and leave Tony fully behind, since he now knew that him and I had broken up.

"I'll be waiting by the back exit for you when you're done," he murmured against my lips hotly.


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