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A/N: a very weird chapter lmao kinda cheesy and kinky, idk??

I so didn't write this chapter a few days ago and have Wattpad delete it EVEN THOUGH I'd saved it and I totally didn't have to write it all over again especially when writing smut makes me so uncomf and have it be way less good than the original and I'm definitely not still extremely pissed about it 🙃lol sorry i'm not even gonna proofread at this point


"Fuck," he moaned out lowly, dark eyes trying desperately to find mine through the pleasure I was feeling all throughout my body straddling his, "pumpernickel."

"Sofia, untie me," he continued with a grumble, hips jerking upward to meet mine, "now."

"Oh, Lord..." I breathed out unevenly, my movements slowing down as I had to process his request, now seated atop him, "give me a second..."

I hazily lifted myself up a little on him and reached forward to untie his hands. Mine were shaking, so it took quite a bit of fumbling and both of us grew restless.

When I finally managed to free both his hands, they grabbed my sides and he sat up to be able to kiss my breasts, causing a strangled sound to leave my lips. My fingers immediately tangled in his hair, running through it gently as I fully lowered myself back onto his member, eliciting quiet murmurs of approval from both of us.

"Legs, Sofia," his hot breath and lips brushed against my chest, his dark eyes looking up at me and causing a pleasurable tingle to travel down my body at how incredibly arousing he looked right now.

"Yes," I sighed out completely mindlessly and leaned back enough for me to be able to reach his ankles without getting off him.

While I fumbled pathetically with the ties around one ankle, growing increasingly more frustrated as I was incapable in my current state to get it open, Ben continued leaving lewd and torturous kisses against my breasts while he cupped one in his hand. His other hand was on my waist, holding me up.

I whined out and shifted impatiently atop him, causing him to groan out lowly at the sensation.

Without a word he left my chest alone and reached over to untie his other ankle, managing it rather swiftly.

The red marks on his wrists and ankles from tugging at the restraints when forgetting he even had them made me feel a tad bad. Then again, I don't think I'd ever been this aroused and didn't regret a thing.

Once I had somehow managed to release his other ankle, I had barely managed to return facing him fully to kiss him passionately before he had swiftly flipped us over, now hovering over me. His dark and hooded eyes drank me in shamelessly, his member still filling me to the brim.

"Hi," I managed to whisper out, utterly taken by him.

Ben flashed me a boyish grin before kissing me, all the while pulling out and taking his time thrusting back in, relaxing and tensing my body up at the same time.

"Never again," he murmured lowly against my lips, my mind having lost all rationality the moment his movements picked up a hint of speed and they angled just right, "I'm tying you up next."

"Oh, God," I moaned out breathlessly, adoring the idea and the firm, determined and suggestive way he'd said it, "yes, please."

"You feel so good," he groaned quietly by my ear, his hot lips brushing against its side and causing me to shiver yet again.

I ran my nails along his back, wanting to leave marks and remind him of me, even if it would be slightly painful.

"I'm close," I told him, straining to hold back my orgasm that was growing and growing by each passing second, threatening to burst.

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